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Michael J. Moore Dissertation Award

Established in 1995 from a gift of Michael J. Moore, MA ’82 econ; PhD ’84 econ, to fully endow the Michael J. Moore Dissertation Fellowship in Economics.The Moore Dissertation Prize is a $5,000 award presented annually to support the research phase of the dissertation process. The student's topic must belong to the general area of Applied Microeconomics and must involve both empirical analysis and issues of public policy as an essential part of the research agenda.  If no paper reaches this threshold of excellence, no award is given.


Agostina Brinatti

Agostina is a Ph.D student in economics at the University of Michigan with research interests in the areas of international trade and immigration. 

Prior to coming to Michigan, she studied at CEMFI (Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros, Madrid, Spain) and later at the University of California, Davis, where she earned her Master's degree in Economics. 

In the fall of 2024, Agostina will attend a postdoc at Yale University, followed by a postdoc at the University of Chicago for the academic year 2025 - 2026.

Then, in the fall of 2026, she will join the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business, as an Assistant Professor (tenure-track).