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Michela Arnaboldi
Philip A Meyers Collegiate Lecturer | Teaching Professor
Room 3015B
1100 North University
Joel D. Blum
John D MacArthur Professor, Arthur F Thurnau Professor, Gerald J Keeler Distinguished Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Room 4502
1100 North University

Julia Cole
Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Chair, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Room 3024
1100 North University
Gregory Dick
Arthur F Thurnau Professor, Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Room 2014
1100 North University
Jenan Kharbush
Assistant Professor
Room 1016
North University Building
1100 North University Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1005
Theodore Moore
Professor Emeritus
Room 5504B
1100 North University