Numerical grade points on a 4.0 scale are translated to letter grades as follows:
A+ = 4.3 |
A- = 3.7 |
B = 3.0 |
C+ = 2.3 |
A = 4.0 |
B+ = 3.3 |
B- = 2.7 |
C = 2.0 |
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grades – Graduate students can take a course S/U or Visit/Audit but get credit only if they earned a grade of C- or better. Credit for a cognate course requires a grade of B- or better. Graduate students may not take courses Pass/Fail.
Minimum required grade point average (GPA) – Graduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 (i.e., B) or better. Rackham places a student whose cumulative GPA falls below B in a given term on academic probation for the following term or half term of enrollment. Both the student and the department are notified of this in writing. During the probationary term, the student cannot be awarded a graduate degree or certificate and cannot transfer credit to a Rackham master’s program, advance to candidacy, or be allowed to change the program (i.e., dual degree, degree level, etc.). A student may be dismissed from the program if, after one probationary term, the cumulative GPA continues to be a B or worse.
Incompletes – A student may receive a grade of Incomplete (“I”) if the amount of remaining work to be completed by the end of the semester is small and the instructor approves an extension for completing the unfinished work. The instructor must determine a deadline for finishing the assigned work before a grade is assigned. The notation of “I” remains a permanent part of the academic record. When coursework is completed to the satisfaction of the instructor, the grade will appear on the transcript as, for example, “I B+.” The grade point average is based only on hours of coursework completed.