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Spanish Literature Course List

A complete list of department courses that satisfy the Spanish Minor Literature Requirement, as well as course offerings arranged by academic year/term, can be found below.

Courses that meet the literature requirement will typically have literature in the title and/or be composed of at least 50% literary texts and genres (e.g. poetry, fiction, chronicles, theater, essays).

NOTE: Spanish 296, 373, 430, 438, 485, and 488 are topic courses that vary from term to term. Some count towards the literature requirement and others count as electives. Reference the LSA Course Guide or see the course lists below, for more information.

Literature courses abroad: Students who study abroad through one of the designated CGIS fall/winter or academic year programs are welcome to present courses during their pre-evaluation appointment to meet this requirement. The UM/CGIS summer study abroad programs are pre-assigned and do not need a course evaluation.


Spanish Literature Course List

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