A complete list of department courses that satisfy the Spanish Minor Literature Requirement, as well as course offerings arranged by academic year/term, can be found below.
Courses that meet the literature requirement will typically have literature in the title and/or be composed of at least 50% literary texts and genres (e.g. poetry, fiction, chronicles, theater, essays).
NOTE: Spanish 296, 373, 430, 438, 485, and 488 are topic courses that vary from term to term. Some count towards the literature requirement and others count as electives. Reference the LSA Course Guide or see the course lists below, for more information.
Literature courses abroad: Students who study abroad through one of the designated CGIS fall/winter or academic year programs are welcome to present courses during their pre-evaluation appointment to meet this requirement. The UM/CGIS summer study abroad programs are pre-assigned and do not need a course evaluation.
Permanent Course List
Spanish Literature Course List
Spanish Course | Section Number | Course Title | Topic | Instructor | Schedule |
295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | N/A | Various | MWF 10-11 MWF 11-12 MWF 1-2 MWF 3-4 |
296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Queer Before Queer: Literature and Activism in Latin America | Larramendi Salvat | MWF 12-1 |
332 | 001 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Borges y sus mundos | Jenckes | TTh 11:30-1 |
332 | 002 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | TBA | TTh 4-5:30 |
368 | 001 | Literature and the Other Arts | TBA | TTh 10-11:30 |
368 | 002 | Literature and the Other Arts | TBA | TTh 2:30-4 |
381 | 001 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | N/A | Verdesio | MW 2:30-4 |
385 | 001 | Race and Ethnicity in the Hispanic World | Race and "Blood Purity" in Medieval Spain | Szpiech | MW 10-11:30 |
423 | 001 | Visual Cultures in the Hispanic World | Body Shots: Photography in Latin America | Couret | MW 1-2:30 |
426 | 001 | Film Genres in the Hispanic World | Afraid of the Dark: Latin American Horror Cinema | Couret | MW 2:30-4 |
430 | 001 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | Science Fiction and the Fiction of Science | Villalobos | MW 1-2:30 |
443 | 001 | History and Historiography in Latin America/Spain | The Spanish Fascism as Social Order | Moreiras-Menor | TTh 1-2:30 |
458 | 001 | Early Modern Narrative | Introduction to Cervantes | García Santo-Tomás | TTh 10-11:30 |
467 | 001 | Literary and Artistic Movements in Latin America/Spain | Art in times of extinction | Villalobos | MW 10-11:30 |
474 | 001 | Cities and Spaces in the Hispanic World | Madrid: A Cultural History | García Santo-Tomás | TTh 1-2:30 |
475 | 001 | Latin American/Spanish Narrative | Narco-Accumulation | G. Williams | TTh 10-11:30 |
Spanish Course | Section Number | Course Title | Topic | Instructor | Schedule |
368 | 101 | Literature and the Other Arts | Binge-Watching Spanish History | Szpiech | MW 1-4 remote/synchronous |
430 | 101 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | Graphic Novel and Sequential Art in Latin America | Couret | TTh 10-1 remote/synchronous |
Spanish Course | Section Number | Course Title | Topic | Instructor | Schedule |
416 | 201 | Spanish Sociolinguistics | Henriksen | TTh 10-1 remote/synchronous |
All other Terms:
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | (N/A) | (Various) |
296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Imaginarios latinoamericanos del futuro | Gutierrez |
314 | 001 | Contemporary Issues in Mexico and Central America | Latinx Culture: Healthcare, Barrio, and Identity | Martinez Alvarez |
314 | 002 | Contemporary Issues in Mexico and Central America | Border as Method | Johnson |
332 | 001 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Narratives of Flight, Fugitivity, and Exile | T. Williams |
332 | 002 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Latin American Goths | T. Williams |
373 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Documentado: Transborder aesthetics of the document | Johnson |
373 | 002 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Ancestral Futures: Science Fiction, Extractivism, and Territoriality in Latin America | Vieira Parrine Sant'Ana |
373 | 003 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Spain´s History Through Graphic Novels (S. XVIII-S. XXI) | Entrambasaguas |
373 | 004 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Spain´s History Through Graphic Novels (S. XVIII-S. XXI) | Entrambasaguas |
373 | 007 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Female Authors of Spanish Science Fiction | Sanchez Gumiel |
381 | 001 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | Imperial Ideology | Nemser |
426 | 001 | Film Genres in the Hispanic World | Afraid of the Dark: Latin American Horror Cinema | Couret |
430 | 001 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | The Weird in Spanish and Latin American Literature, Film, and Culture | Sanchez Gumiel |
432 | 001 | Gender, Sexuality, and Culture | Queer Fissures in Time and Space: Unweavings of Development in Latin America | Vieira Parrine Sant'Ana |
439 | 001 | Social Movements in Latin America/Spain | Activism, Theater, and Memory in Latin America | Martinez Alvarez |
442 | 001 | Historical Memory and Testimony | Technologies of Historical Memory | Villalobos |
467 | 001 | Literary and Artistic Movements in Latin America/Spain | The Cultural Imagination of the Anthropocene in Contemporary Latin America | G. Williams |
473 | 001 | Colonial/Postcolonial Studies in Latin American Cultures | Latin American Wars | Villalobos |
473 | 002 | Colonial/Postcolonial Studies in Latin American Cultures | Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory | Verdesio |
474 | 001 | Cities and Spaces in the Hispanic World | The Imaged City: Latin American Urban Culture in Media, Art, and Literature | Couret |
475 | 001 | Latin American/Spanish Narrative | Thinking Contemporary Mexico | G. Williams |
475 | 002 | Latin American/Spanish Narrative | New Latin American Gothic | T. Williams |
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor | Schedule |
295 | all | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | n/a | various | MWF 9-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-1, 1-2, 3-4 |
337 | 001 | Poetry Workshop | Latinx poetry: Assimilation, bilingualism, and the politics of belonging | Martínez Alvarez | TTh 11:30-1 |
368 | 001 | Literature and the Other Arts | Into the Thread: Literature, Gender, and Textile Artwork in Latin America | Vieira Parrine Sant'Ana | MW 1-2:30 |
373 | 002 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | !Gol!: The Culture of Soccer in Latin America | Couret | MW 11:30-1 |
373 | 003 & 004 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Rhythms of the Revolution: Music in Modern Hispanic Literature | Villarroel | 003: MW 11:30-1 004: MW 1-2:30 |
381 | 001 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | Imperial Ideology | Nemser | MW 2:30-4 |
381 | 002 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | Latin American Colonial Literature | Verdesio | MW 4-5:30 |
385 | 001 | Race and Ethnicity in the Hispanic World | Spain in/and/with Asia | Sanchez Gumiel | MW 10-11:30 |
423 | 001 | Visual Cultures in the Hispanic World | Post-dictatorship Visual Cultures in Latin America (1980s-1990s) | Vieira Parrine Sant'Ana | MW 11:30-1 |
430 | 001 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | Utopias and Utopian Thought in the Hispanic World | Sanchez Gumiel | MW 1-2:30 |
430 | 002 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | Spain's History Through Graphic Novels | Entrambasaguas | TTh 2:30-4 |
438 | 001 | Political and Economic Thought in Latin America/Spain | Slavery and Racial Capitalism in the Americas | Nemser | MW 11:30-1 |
438 | 002 | Political and Economic Thought in Latin America/Spain | n/a | Villalobos | MW 1-2:30 |
443 | 001 | History and Historiography in Latin America/Spain | n/a | Villalobos | MW 10-11:30 |
470 | 001 | Colonial Latin America | First Images of America: The Early Chroniclers | Verdesio | MW 2:30-4 |
476 | 001 | Latin American Poetry | Politics and Aesthetics from the Colonial Era to Contemporary Times | Martínez Alvarez | TTh 1-2:30 |
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | (N/A) | (Various) |
SPANISH 296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Modernity's Monsters: Illusions, Delusions, and Psychology | Campbell |
SPANISH 328 | 001 | Studies in Hispanic Popular Culture | Latinx Music, Literature, and Street Art | Martínez Alvarez |
SPANISH 342 | 001 | Introduction to Contemporary Latin American Culture | LATINO U.S.A.: A Jointed History | Russo |
SPANISH 371 | 001 | Survey of Spanish Literature, I | Literatures of the Iberian Peninsula: 900-1700 | Szpiech |
SPANISH 381 | 001 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | Imperial Ideologies | Nemser |
SPANISH 385 | 001 | Race and Ethnicity in the Hispanic World | Immigration and Discrimination in Spain: Race, Ethnicity, Religion, and Gender | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 426 | 001 | Film Genres in the Hispanic World | Afraid of the Dark: Latin American Horror Cinema | Couret |
SPANISH 430 | 001 & 002 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | Spain's History Through Graphic Novels | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 439 | 001 | Social Movements in Latin America/Spain | (N/A) | Villalobos-Ruminott |
SPANISH 459 | 001 | Cervantes | Don Quijote | García Santo-Tomás |
SPANISH 470 | 001 | Colonial Latin America | Colonialism and Racism | Nemser |
SPANISH 474 | 001 | Cities and Spaces in the Hispanic World |
A Cultural History | Santo-Tómas |
SPANISH 475 | 001 | Latin American/Spanish Narrative | Borderlands and Border Crossings | T. Williams |
SPANISH 476 | 001 | Latin American Poetry | (N/A) | Jenckes |
SPANISH 485 | 001 | Case Studies in Peninsular Spanish and Latin American Literature | Race, Nation, and Belonging in the Hispanic Caribbean | Martínez Alvarez |
SPANISH 488 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Contemporary Limits: Human, Inhumane, Animal, Object | G. Williams |
SPANISH 488 | 003 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Body Shots: Photography in Latin America | Couret |
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | (N/A) | (Various) |
SPANISH 296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Fact and Fiction: Encounters Between Art and Science in the Hispanic World | Stark |
SPANISH 313 | 001 | Contemporary Issues in Spain | (N/A) | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 332 | 001 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Realismo magico y otras perturbaciones de lo real | Jenckes |
SPANISH 373 | 002 & 003 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | In Sickness and in Health: Narrative and Medicine in the Hispanic World | Freire Hermida |
SPANISH 373 | 004 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | iGol!: The Culture of Soccer in Latin America | Couret |
SPANISH 381 | 001 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | Imperial Ideologies | Nemser |
SPANISH 385 | 002 | Race and Ethnicity in the Hispanic World | Black Film in Latin America | Couret |
SPANISH 430 | 001 & 002 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | The History of Spain Through Graphic Novels | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 432 | 001 | Gender, Sexuality, and Culture | Queer Spain: Literature, Film, and Arts in the 20th century | Zamora-Gomez |
SPANISH 438 | 001 | Political and Economic Thought in Latin America/Spain | Slavery and Racial Capital in the Americas | Nemser |
SPANISH 439 | 001 | Social Movements in Laitn America/Spain | Activism, Theater and Memory in Latin America | Martinez Alvarez |
001 | Literatures and Cultures of the Borderlands: The Politics of Language | (N/A) | LaFountain-Stokes |
SPANISH 443 | 001 | History and Historiography in Latin America/Spain | 1492: History and Legend (Meets with JUDAIC 417.005) |
Szpiech |
SPANISH 444 | 002 | Nations and Nationalisms in the Hispanic World | Revolutionary Nationalism & Its Discontents in 20th-21st C. Mexico | T. Williams |
SPANISH 467 | 001 | Literary and Artistic Movements in Latin America/Spain | Art as Social Revolt | Villalobos |
SPANISH 467 | 002 | Literary and Artistic Movements in Latin America/Spain | Narco-Accumulation | G. Williams |
SPANISH 470 | 001 | Colonial Latin America | First Images of the Americas | Verdesio |
SPANISH 474 | 001 | Cities and Spaces in the Hispanic World | Madrid: A Cultural History | García Santo-Tomás |
SPANISH 475 | 001 | Latin American/Spanish Narrative | Thinking Contemporary Mexico | G. Williams |
SPANISH 485 | 002 | Case Studies in Peninsular Spanish and Latin American Literature | Race, Nation, and Belonging in the Hispanic Caribbean | Martinez Alvarez |
SPANISH 488 | 002 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Contemporary Limits: Human, Inhumane, Animal, Object | G. Williams |
Spring (~7 weeks, first half)
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor | Schedule |
368 | 101 | Literature and the Other Arts |
Binge-Watching Spanish History | Szpiech | MW 1-4pm REMOTE/SYCHRONOUS |
416 | 101 | Spanish Sociolinguistics (416 is a literature course in Spring 2024 only) |
n/a | Henriksen | TTh 1-4 pm REMOTE / SYNCHRONOUS |
Summer (~7 weeks, second half)
At this time, no literature classes have been confirmed for this term.
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | (N/A) | (Various) |
SPANISH 296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Cómo (no) hacer propaganda: el arte de la revolución, la revolución del arte | Choi |
SPANISH 313 | 001 | Contemporary Issues in Spain | (N/A) | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 315 | 001 & 002 | Contemporary Issues in the Caribbean and South America | Climate Anxiety in Latin American Cultural Production | Ruiz-Mendoza |
SPANISH 332 | 001 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Borges y sus mundos | Jenckes |
SPANISH 341 | 001 | Introduction to Pre-Columbian/Colonial/Modern Latin-American Culture | Tropes of Exchange: Literature and Capital in Latin America | Sabau |
SPANISH 342 | 001 | Introduction to Contemporary Latin American Culture | Latino-USA: A Jointed History | Russo |
SPANISH 368 | 001 | Literature and the Other Arts |
Arde la imagen: Literature and Photography | T. Williams |
SPANISH 373 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | iGol!: The Culture of Soccer in Latin America | Couret |
SPANISH 381 | 001 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | Imperial Ideologies | Nemser |
SPANISH 381 | 002 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | Latin American Colonial Literature | Verdesio |
SPANISH 385 | 001 | Race and Ethnicity in the Hispanic World | Race and "Blood Purity" in Medieval Spain | Szpiech |
SPANISH 421 | 001 & 002 | Cinema From Spain | Spanish Contemporary Film Directors | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 423 | 001 & 002 |
Visual Cultures in the Hispanic World | Feminist Struggles in Contemporary Spain through Literature and Film | Calatayud-Fernández |
SPANISH 425 | 001 | Latin American/Spanish Theater | Liminal Stages: Theater and Politics in Latin America | Sabau |
SPANISH 443 | 001 | History and Historiography in Latin America/Spain | 1492: History and Legend | Szpiech |
SPANISH 467 | 001 | Literary and Artistic Movements in Latin America/Spain | Anarchy of the Senses | Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 473 | 001 | Colonial/Postcolonial Studies in Latin American Cultures | Revolutions to Come | Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 476 | 001 | Latin American Poetry | Poesia Latinoamericana | Jenckes |
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | (N/A) | (Various) |
SPANISH 296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Reading as a Feminist: An Encounter with Latin American Literature | Pensa |
SPANISH 332 | 001 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Realismo mágico y otras perturbaciones de lo real | Jenckes |
SPANISH 341 | 001 | Introduction to Pre-Columbian/Colonial/Modern Latin American Culture | Tropes of Exchange: Literature and Capital in Latin America | Sabau |
SPANISH 373 | 002 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Beyond the Good Wife: Feminist Resistances in Francoist Spain | Martínez-Acacio |
SPANISH 373 | 003 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | ¿América Latina y Asia?: Literature and Cinema of Transpacific Migration | Choi |
SPANISH 381 | 001 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | Latin American Colonial Literature | Verdesio |
SPANISH 385 | 002 | Race and Ethnicity in the Hispanic World | Black Film in Latin America | Couret |
SPANISH 423 | 001 & 002 | Visual Cultures in the Hispanic World | Feminist Struggles in Contemporary Spain Through Literature and Film | Calatayud-Fernández |
SPANISH 430 | 001 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | Literature and Crisis in Present Spain (2008-2022) | Calatayud-Fernández |
SPANISH 432 | 001 | Gender, Sexuality, and Culture |
Feminisms in the Hispanic World | Sabau |
SPANISH 442 | 001 | Historical Memory and Testimony | (N/A) | Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 453 | 001 | Religion and Culture in the Hispanic World | Aljamiado and Moriscos in Golden-Age Spain | Szpiech |
SPANISH 467 | 001 & 003 | Literary and Artistic Movements in Latin America/Spain | (N/A) | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 467 | 002 | Literary and Artistic Movements in Latin America/Spain | (N/A) | Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 473 | 001 | Colonial/Postcolonial Studies in Latin American Cultures | Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory | Verdesio |
Spring (~7 weeks, first half)
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 373 | 101 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Binge-Watching Spanish History | Szpiech |
SPANISH 467 | 101 | Literary and Artistic Movements in Latin America/Spain | Social Movements in Spain, Chile, Mexico, and Bolivia | Entrambasaguas |
Summer (~7 weeks, second half)
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 430 | 201 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | Violence, Conflict, and National Reconciliation in Colombian Literature and Film / Violencia, conflicto y reconciliación nacional en el cine y la literatura de Colombia | Herrero-Olaizola |
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | (N/A) | (Various) |
SPANISH 296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Pandemics in Perspective: Illness, Anxiety and Addiction in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Martínez-Acacio |
SPANISH 313 | 001 | Contemporary Issues in Spain | (N/A) | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 315 | 001 | Contemporary Issues in the Caribbean and South America | Narcotráfico en América Latina | Herrero |
SPANISH 332 | 001 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Borges y Sus Mundos | Jenckes |
SPANISH 373 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Portraying rural lives in Spain through literature, cinema, and visual arts: migration, identity, and neoliberalism | Zamora Gómez |
SPANISH 375 | 001 | Topics in Hispano/Islamic/Sephardic Cultures | From the Cid to Cide Hamete: Images of Muslims in Iberian Literatures | Szpiech |
SPANISH 420 | 001 & 002 | Latin American and Latino/a Film Studies | Gender, Race, and State Violence in Contemporary Latin American Cultural Production | Entrambasaguas |
001 (001) |
Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society/ Advanced Topics in Afro-Luso-Brazilian Cultures |
Comparative Topics in Spanish and Portuguese: Stories and Histories of Race in Brazil and Argentina | Alberto |
001 (001) |
Gender, Sexuality, and Culture | Feminisms in the Hispanic World | Sabau |
SPANISH 438 | 001 | Political and Economic Thought in Latin America/Spain | Conquest and Capitalism | Nemser |
SPANISH 447 | 001 | The Archive | War and Peace: The Colombian Archive | Ferrari |
SPANISH 466 | 001 | The Modern Spanish Novel, I | Memoria e historia en la novela moderna española y argentina | Sanjinés |
SPANISH 470 | 001 | Colonial Latin America | Colonialism and Racism in Latin America | Nemser |
SPANISH 473 | 001 | Colonial/Postcolonial Studies in Latin American Cultures | Latin American Wars | Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 485 | 003 | Case Studies in Peninsular Spanish and Latin American Literature | US-Mexico Relations Through Culture | Sabau |
SPANISH 488 | 002 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | The Jewish- Christian Debate in Medieval Iberia and Beyond | Szpiech |
SPANISH 488 | 003 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Body Shots: Photography in Latin America | Couret |
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | (N/A) |
(Various) |
SPANISH 296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Ciencia ficción y distopías latinoamericanas | Gutiérrez-Chavarría |
SPANISH 332 | 001 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Realismo mágico y otras perturbaciones de lo real | Jenckes |
SPANISH 373 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Realidades latinoamericanas y latinx en la época de la globalización cultural | Martínez Alvarez |
SPANISH 373 | 005 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | iGol!: The Culture of Soccer in Latin America | Couret |
SPANISH 381 | 001 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | Spanish Colonialism and the Ideology of Empire | Nemser |
001 & 002 | Race and Ethnicity in the Hispanic World | Immigration and Discrimination in Spain: Race, Ethnicity, Religion, and Gender | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 385 | 003 | Race and Ethnicity in the Hispanic World | Black Film in Latin America | Couret |
001 (002) |
Social Forces and Cultural Production in Medieval/Early Modern Spain (The Mediterranean: History and Culture) |
1492 and the Mediterranean | Szpiech |
SPANISH 421 | 002 & 003 | Cinema From Spain | Spanish Contemporary Film Directors | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 430 | 001 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | The Changing Roles of Literature and Cultures in Latin America | Jenckes |
SPANISH 438 | 001 | Political and Economic Thought in Latin America/Spain | Conquest and Capitalism | Nemser |
SPANISH 440 | 001 | Literatures and Cultures of the Borderlands: The Politics of Language | (N/A) | LaFountain-Stokes |
SPANISH 447 | 002 | The Archive | War and Peace: The Colombian Archive | Ferrari |
SPANISH 466 | 001 | The Modern Spanish Novel II | Memoria e historia en la novela moderna española y argentina | Sanjinés |
SPANISH 485 | 001 | Case Studies in Peninsular and Latin American Literature | Federico García Lorca: "Poetry and Theater as Lived History" | Highfill |
SPANISH 485 | 003 | Case Studies in Peninsular and Latin American Literature | Imperial Borders: Mexico and the US | Sabau |
SPANISH 488 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Contemporary Limits: Human, Inhumane, Animal, Object | G. Williams |
Spring ( ~7 weeks, first half)
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 368 | 101 | Literature and the Other Arts | Binge Watching Spanish History | Szpiech |
SPANISH 423 | 101 | Visual Cultures in the Hispanic World | El desierto: Capital, Surveillance, Nomadism | Ferrari |
SPANISH 467 | 101 | Literary and Artistic Movements in Latin America/Spain | Social Movements in Spain, Chile, México, and Bolivia | Entrambasaguas |
Summer (~7 weeks, second half)
No literature courses were offered this term.
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | (N/A) | (Various) |
SPANISH 296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | La muerte in México: celebracion, sacrificios y masacres | Hernandez-Vargas |
SPANISH 313 | 001 | Contemporary Issues in Spain | (N/A) | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 373 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Theater Workshop: Staging Raza | Nuñez |
SPANISH 373 | 002 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Writing, Painting, Filming, and Thinking | Fridman |
SPANISH 381 | 002 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | Colonial Latin American Literature | Verdesio |
002 & 099
Race and Ethnicity in the Hispanic World | Race and "Blood Purity" in Medieval Spain | Szpiech |
SPANISH 421 | 001 & 003 | Cinema From Spain | Contemporary Cinema From Spain | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 430 | 001 & 002 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | Body Writing | Nuñez |
SPANISH 438 | 001 | Political and Economic Thought in Latin America/Spain | Conquest and Capitalism | Nemser |
SPANISH 442 | 001 | Historical Memory and Testimony | Technologies of Historical Memory | Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 453 | 001 | Religion and Culture in the Hispanic World | Aljamiado and Moriscos in Golden-Age Spain | Szpiech |
SPANISH 466 | 001 | The Modern Spanish Novel II | Memoria e historia en la moderna novela espanola | Sanjinés |
SPANISH 473 | 001 | Colonial/Postcolonial Studies in Latin American Cultures | Latin American Wars | Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 485 | 003 & 099 | Case Studies in Peninsular Spanish and Latin American Literature | Art, Architecture, and Violence in Latin America | Ferrari |
SPANISH 488 | 002 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Imagenes de protesta: Mexico '68, Santiago '73, EE. UU. '20 | T. Williams |
SPANISH 488 | 003 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Early Modern Hispanic Music: la musica de dos orbes | Stein |
SPANISH 488 | 004 & 005 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Radical Environmental Thinking | Fridman |
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | (N/A) | (Various) |
SPANISH 296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Modernity's Monsters: Myths, Ghosts, and Ruins | Campbell |
SPANISH 315 | 001 | Contemporary Issues in the Caribbean and South America | Contemporary Issues: Narcotráfico en America Latina | Herrero |
SPANISH 332 | 001 & 002 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Short Narrative in Latin America | Fridman |
SPANISH 368 | 001 | Literature and the Other Arts | Theater Workshop: Staging Raza | Nuñez |
SPANISH 373 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Youth Culture in Critical Times: Technology, Politics, and the Arts (Spain, 1920-1940) | Highfill |
SPANISH 373 | 004 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | iGol!: The Culture of Soccer in Latin America | Couret |
SPANISH 373 | 006 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Narrativas errantes: historias de migracion en America Latina | Ruiz-Mendoza |
SPANISH 381 | 001 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | Spanish Colonialism and the Ideology of Empire | Nemser |
SPANISH 385 | 001 | Race and Ethnicity in the Hispanic World | Immigration and Discrimination in Spain: Race, Ethnicituy | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 387 | 001 | Social Forces and Cultural Production in Medieval/Early Modern Spain | Conversion and Literature in the Middle Ages | Szpiech |
SPANISH 421 | 001 & 002 | Cinema From Spain | Contemporary Cinema From Spain | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 430 | 001 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | Memory and Narrative After Dictatorship in Spain and Argentina | Boalick |
SPANISH 432 | 001 | Gender, Sexuality, and Culture | The Early Modern Body | Nuñez |
SPANISH 437 | 001 | Introduction to Literature Studies and Criticism | Philosophies of Translation: Latin American Literature, Theory, and Film | Arnall |
SPANISH 438 | 002 | Political and Economic Thought in Latin America/Spain | Politics and Economy in Modern and Contemporary Latin America | Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 438 | 003 | Political and Economic Thought in Latin America/Spain | Conquest and Capitalism | Nemser |
SPANISH 440 | 001 | Literatures and Cultures of the Borderlands: The Politics of Language | (N/A) | Russo |
SPANISH 443 | 001 | History and Historiography in Latin America/Spain | Historical Fictions | Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 450 | 001 | Middle Ages | Never-Ending Medieval Stories | Szpiech |
SPANISH 473 | 001 | Colonial/Postcolonial Studies in Latin American Cultures | Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory | Verdesio |
SPANISH 474 | 002 | Cities and Spaces in the Hispanic World | Art, Architecture, and Violence in Latin America | Ferrari |
SPANISH 480 | 001 | Transnational Cultures | Cultures of Exile in the Hispanic World | Costa Curras |
SPANISH 488 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Contemporary Limits: Human, Inhumane, Animal, Object | Williams |
Spring (~7 weeks, first half)
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 372 | 101 | Survey of Spanish Literature, II | To Make a Long Story Short | Freire Hermida |
SPANISH 423 | 101 | Visual Cultures in the Hispanic World | El desierto: Capital, Surveillance, Nomadism | Ferrari |
SPANISH 467 | 101 | Literary and Artistic Movements in Latin America/Spain | The Social Movements in the History of Spain | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 473 | 101 | Colonial/Postcolonial Studies in Latin American Cultures | Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory | Verdesio |
Summer (~7 weeks, second half)
No literature courses were offered this term.
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | (N/A) | (Various) |
SPANISH 296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Ciudades modernas en America Latina: Llegadas, salidas, locuras | T. Williams |
SPANISH 313 | 001 & 002 | Contemporary Issues in Spain | (N/A) | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 332 | 001 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | (N/A) | Sabau |
SPANISH 332 | 002 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Magical Realism | Jenckes |
SPANISH 340 | 001 | Introduction to Contemporary Spanish Culture | Culture and Crisis in Present Spain (2008-2018) | Calatayud-Fernández |
SPANISH 373 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Writing, Painting, Filming, and Thinking | Fridman |
SPANISH 373 | 002 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | iGol!: The Culture of Soccer in Latin America | Couret |
SPANISH 373 | 003 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Risky Reading and Literary Lessons from Medieval and Early Modern Spain | Nuñez |
SPANISH 381 | 002 | Survey of Latin American Literature, I | Colonial Latin American Literature | Verdesio |
SPANISH 420 | 001 | Latin American and Latino/a Film Studies | (N/A) | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 420 | 001 | Latin American and Latino/a Film Studies | Literature, Films, and Revolutions | Fridman |
SPANISH 432 | 001 | Gender, Sexuality, and Culture | Feminist Struggles in Contemporary Spain Through Literature and Film | Calatayud-Fernández |
SPANISH 437 | 001 | Introduction to Literature Studies and Criticism | (N/A) | Moreiras-Menor |
SPANISH 440 | 001 | Literatures and Cultures of the Borderlands: the Politics of Language | (N/A) | LaFountain-Stokes |
001 (001) |
Topics in Catalan Literature and Culture | (N/A) | Moreiras-Menor |
SPANISH 442 | 001 | Historical Memory and Testimony | Fascism and Neo-Fascism in Latin America | Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 450 | 001 | Middle Ages | Inventing Spanish: The Cultural World of King Alfonso X, The Wise | Szpiech |
SPANISH 459 | 001 | Cervantes | Don Quixote | García Santo-Tomás |
SPANISH 460 | 001 | The Spanish Comedia | Passions on the Stage | García Santo-Tomás |
SPANISH 470 | 001 | Colonial Latin America | First Images of the Americas | Verdesio |
SPANISH 475 | 001 | Latin American/Spanish Narrative | Narrating the Queer | Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 476 | 001 | Latin American Poetry | Poesia Latinoamericana | Jenckes |
SPANISH 488 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Body Shots: Photography in Latin America | Couret |
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | (N/A) |
(Various) |
SPANISH 296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | transgresiones en el teatro y la literatura del Caribe Hispano | Martínez Alvarez |
SPANISH 332 | 001 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Short Narrative in Latin America | Sabau |
SPANISH 332 | 002 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Borges y sus mundos | Jenckes |
SPANISH 337 | 001 | Poetry Workshop | The Poet in the City: Lorca in New York, Borges in Buenos Aires | Highfill |
SPANISH 339 | 001 | Introduction to Spanish Culture Before the 19th Century | Others in the Early Modern Hispanic World | Nuñez |
SPANISH 340 | 001 | Introduction to Contemporary Spanish Culture | Culture and Crisis in Present Spain (2008-2018) | Calatayud-Fernández |
SPANISH 372 | 001 & 002 | Survey of Spanish Literature, II | (N/A) |
Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 373 | 004 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Ethnography, Literature, and Movies | Rodriguez |
SPANISH 373 | 005 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Writing, Painting, Filming, and Thinking | Fridman |
SPANISH 375 | 001 | Topics in Hispano/Islamic/Sephardic Cultures | From the Cid to Cid Hamete: Representations of Muslims and Islam in Medieval and Early Modern Literature | Szpiech |
SPANISH 425 | 001 | Latin American/Spanish Theater | Liminal Stages: Theater and Politics in Latin America | Sabau |
SPANISH 430 | 001 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | The Changing Role of Literature and Cultures in Latin America | Jenckes |
SPANISH 432 | 001 | Gender, Sexuality, and Culture | Feminist Struggles in Contemporary Spain Through Literature and Film | Calatayud-Fernández |
SPANISH 444 | 001 | Nations and Nationalisms in the Hispanic World | (N/A) |
Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 456 | 001 | Golden Age | Rethinking the Classics | García Santo-Tomás |
SPANISH 470 | 001 | Colonial Latin America | First Images of the Americas | Verdesio |
SPANISH 472 | 001 | Indigenous Societies | Indigenous Peoples of the Americas | Verdesio |
SPANISH 488 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Las Novelas Ejemplares de Cervantes | García Santo-Tomás |
SPANISH 488 | 007 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Indigenous Peoples' Struggles in the Southern Cone | Rodriguez |
Spring (~7 weeks, first half)
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 373 | 101 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Discovery, Magic, and Religion in Spanish LIterature and Culture | Dos Santos |
SPANISH 421 | 101 | Cinema From Spain | (N/A) | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 442 | 101 | Historical Memory and Testimony | Narratives of the Revolution | Villalobos Ruminott |
Summer (~7 weeks, second half)
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 296 | 201 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Mexico ante la muerte: sacrificios, epidemias y masacres | Hernandez-Vargas |
SPANISH 373 | 201 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Youth Culture, Technology, and the Arts in the 'felices anos 20' | Highfill |
Course Number | Section Number |
Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Hispanic Literatures | (N/A) | (Various) |
SPANISH 296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Fascism and the Dictatorial Past in Spain and Argentina: Graphic Novel, Visual Culture, and Literature | Zamora Gomez |
SPANISH 296 | 002 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Literatures of Resistance in present Spain (2008-2018) | Calatayud-Fernández |
SPANISH 337 | 003 | Poetry Workshop | (N/A) | Dowd |
SPANISH 387 | 001 | Social Forces and Cultural Production in Medieval/Early Modern Spain | Social Forces and Literary Expression in Golden Age Spain | García Santo-Tomás |
SPANISH 421 | 001 & 002 | Cinema From Spain | (N/A) | Reales |
SPANISH 430 | 002 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | The Construction of Gender in the Spanish-Speaking World | Russo |
001 |
Literatures and Cultures of the Borderlands: The Politics of Language | (N/A) | LaFountain-Stokes |
001 & 002 |
History and Historiography in Latin America/Spain | Border Wars in Latin American Literature and Film | Dowd |
001 |
Cervantes | Don Quixote | García Santo-Tomás |
003 |
Colonial Latin America | First Images of the Americas | Verdesio |
001 |
Colonial/Postcolonial Studies in Latin American Cultures | Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory | Verdesio |
001 |
Latin American/Spanish Narrative | Banditry and the Construction of the Nation in Latin America | Sanjinés |
001 |
Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Imagining Revolutions and Civil Wars: Literature/Photo/Paint - Mexico/Central America | Leal Ugalde |
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 295 | (ALL) | Introduction to Literature, Culture, and the Arts in the Hispanic World | (N/A) | (Various) |
SPANISH 296 | 001 | Special Topics in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures | Introduction to the War in Spain and its Legacy Culture, Literature, and Politics | Huerta Bravo |
SPANISH 332 | 001 | Short Narrative in Latin America/Spain | Borges y sus mundos | Jenckes |
SPANISH 335 | 002 | Contemporary Spanish and Spanish-American Cultural Production | Contemporary Spanish and Spanish-American Literature: 21st Century Latin American Literature | Dowd |
SPANISH 368 | 001 | Literature and the Other Arts | The Spanish Avant-Garde and Technology | McAdams |
SPANISH 373 | 004 & 006 | Topics in Hispanic Studies | Latin American Culture and Environment | Reales |
SPANISH 385 | 002 | Race and Ethnicity in the Hispanic World | Immigration and Discrimination in Spain: Race, Ethnicity, Religion, and Gender | Entrambasaguas |
SPANISH 387 | 001 | Social Forces and Cultural Production in Medieval/Early Modern Spain | La Celestina and Her Fellows: Witches, Demons, and Go-betweens in Medieval and Early Modern Spanish Literature | Udaondo Alegre |
SPANISH 420 | 002 & 003 | Latin American and Latino/a Film Studies | (N/A) | Entrambasaguas |
Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | Comparative Topics in Spanish and Portuguese: Stories and Histories of Race in Brazil and Argentina | Alberto |
SPANISH 430 | 003 | Advanced Studies in Hispanic Culture and Society | Latin American Travelogues | Herrero |
SPANISH 432 | 001 | Gender, Sexuality, and Culture | Gender, Writing, and Culture: Travestismos latinoamericanos | LaFountain-Stokes |
SPANISH 438 | 001 | Political and Economic Thought in Latin America/Spain | The Law of Conquest: Iberian Empire and International Law | Nemser |
SPANISH 439 | 001 | Social Movements in Latin America/Spain | Latin American Social Movements in the 20th and 21st Centuries | Leal Ugalde |
SPANISH 443 | 003 & 004 | History and Historiography in Latin America/Spain | Border Wars in Latin American Literature and Film | Dowd |
SPANISH 468 | 002 | Performance in the Hispanic World | La Vida es sueño and Calderon de la Barca's Theatre | Udaondo Alegre |
SPANISH 470 | 001 | Colonial Latin America | Racism and Colonialism in Latin America | Nemser |
SPANISH 473 | 001 | Colonial/Postcolonial Studies in Latin American Cultures | Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory | Verdesio |
SPANISH 475 | 001 | Latin American/Spanish Narrative | Roberto Bolaño: Literatura entre la vida y la historia | Jenckes |
SPANISH 480 | 001 | Transnational Cultures | Migration as the agent of global culture | Villalobos Ruminott |
SPANISH 485 | 001 | Case Studies in Peninsular Spanish and Latin American Literature | Lorca and Historical Memory | Highfill |
SPANISH 488 | 001 | Topics in Hispanic Literature/History/Culture | Literary and Cultural Representations of the Amazon Jungle | Reales |
Spring (~7 weeks, first half)
Course Number | Section Number | Course Title | (Topic) | Instructor |
SPANISH 442 | 101 | Historical Memory and Testimony | (N/A) | Villalobos Ruminott |
Summer (~7 weeks, second half)
No literature courses were offered this term.