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Extractivism Workshop

Part of a Two-Part Event with Carolyn Fornoff
Friday, March 14, 2025
1:00-3:00 PM
RLL Commons (MLB 4314) Modern Languages Building Map
In this workshop, we will discuss the emergence of extractivism as a key concept in the environmental humanities. We will review the history of extractivism in Latin America as well as various aesthetic forms of its representation. In advance of the workshop, please read Carolyn Fornoff’s keyword essay “Extractivism,” from the Handbook of Latin American Environmental Aesthetics.
Building: Modern Languages Building
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: Activism, book discussion, Books, Culture, Discussion, Diversity, Environment, free, Global, humanities, In Person, Inclusion, institute for the humanities, Interdisciplinary, International, Latin America, literary, literature, multicultural, Research, Romance Languages And Literatures, Social Impact, social justice, Talk, Workshop
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Romance Languages & Literatures RLL, Rackham Graduate School, International Institute

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