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Women’s and Gender Studies
Women's and Gender Studies
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Women's and Gender Studies Major
Women's and Gender Studies Major Requirements
Gender and Health Major
Gender and Health Major Requirements
Gender and Health Minor
Gender, Race, and Nation Minor
LGBTQ and Sexuality Studies Minor
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Honors Program Requirements
Recent Honors Theses
Undergraduate Courses
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Global and Intercultural Study
What Can You Do With a Women's and Gender Studies Degree?
Herman Family Internship Initiative
Dorothy McGuigan Prizes
Feminist Practice Award
SOAR - Research Program
Declare and Release
Graduate Students
Joint PhD Programs
Women's and Gender Studies and English
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Third Term Review
WGS 891
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Faculty of the Women’s and Gender Studies and English Doctoral Program
Women’s and Gender Studies and History
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WGS 891
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Faculty of Women’s and Gender Studies and History
Women’s and Gender Studies and Psychology
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WGS 891
Dissertation Prospectus/Proposal
Transferring Credits
Faculty of the Women’s and Gender Studies & Psychology
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Graduate Courses
Joint PhD Student Handbook
Graduate Certificate Programs
Women's and Gender Studies
Graduate Certificate Programs
LGBTQ Studies
Graduate Certificate Programs
Dorothy McGuigan Prizes
News and Events
All News
Search News
Launching Our New Major in Gender & Health
G Ryan and Jamie Thompson Receive 2018 Feminist Practice Award
Taylor Rovin, Sara Chadwick, Colleen Towler Win 2018 McGuigan Prizes
Congratulations, Class of 2018!
Spring Symposium Asks What It Means to Live a Feminist Life
Professor Abigail Stewart Strives for an Inclusive Academy
Professor Naomi André Evaluates Race in Opera
Rosario Ceballo Named Associate Dean of LSA
Eimeel Castillo Presents at Central American Congress of History
Professor Rosario Ceballo Discusses Research in Women's Health Magazine
What Can Your Gift to Women's and Gender Studies Do?
Professor Amal Fadlalla Discusses New Book and Nation Building in Sudan
Women's and Gender Studies to House New Social Class Minor
Symposium Explores Methods, Significance of Studying Black Girlhood
Women's and Gender Studies Names 2019 McGuigan Prize Winners
Amani Echols Wins 2019 Feminist Practice Award
Honors Symposium Showcases Undergraduate Theses
Congratulations, Class of 2019!
Spring Symposium Ends 2018-19 Academic Year
Late PhD Student's Research Published
Elizabeth Anderson Named MacArthur Fellow
Patricia Gurin Wins James S. Jackson Diversity Scholarship Award
New Faculty Profile: A Conversation with Yi-Li Wu
New Faculty Profile: A Conversation with Abigail Dumes
Women's and Gender Studies Announces 2020 McGuigan Prize Winners
Shaima Abdullah wins 2020 Feminist Practice Award
Women's and Gender Studies Alum in LSA Magazine: Criminal Record
Lane Hall Gallery's Winter/Spring Exhibition Goes Virtual
Women's and Gender Studies Awards Grants for Student Research on Sexual Harassment and Gender-Based Violence
Combating Campus Harassment: Professors Cortina, Kirkland Bring Expertise to Nationwide Effort
New Year, New Name: Welcome to Women's and Gender Studies
Jasmine An Wins English Department's Heberle Prize
In Memoriam: Sonya Orleans Rose (1935-2020)
Listening to the Patients: Seda Saluk on Medical Surveillance and Vaccine Hesitancy
Isis Settles Wins 2021 Sarah Goddard Power Award
Women's and Gender Studies Announces 2021 McGuigan Prize Winners
Lunar Doula Collective Wins 2021 Feminist Practice Award
IRWG Awarded Major NIH Grant for Undergraduate Research Mentoring on HIV/AIDS
Gallery's First Exhibit in Two Years- Invisible Women: Portraits of Aging in Ukraine
Petra Kuppers Receives 2023 Guggenheim Fellowship
2023 Feminist Practice Award and Dorothy McGuigan Prizes announced!
2023 Undergraduate Honors Colloquium
Dr. Lisa Harris named Thurnau Professor
New Fall 2023 Lane Hall Exhibition
Lilia Cortina receives Gwendolyn Puryear Keita Award for Social Justice and the Welfare of Working People
Seda Saluk Published New Article!
Melynda Price receives grant to co-direct Monument Workshop at the University of Kentucky
Rovel Sequeira's New Article!
Abigail Dumes Mentioned in The New Yorker
Seda Saluk and Rovel Sequeira awarded Humanities Collaboratory 5X5 Incubator Grant
2024 Feminist Practice Award and Dorothy McGuigan Prizes announced!
2022 Undergraduate Honors Theses Presented
Gallery's First Exhibit in Two Years- Invisible Women: Portraits of Aging in Ukraine
Petra Kuppers Receives Praise for Gut Botany
2022 Undergraduate and Graduate McGuigan Prizes Announced
Lisa Harris Interviewed by NPR
Abby Dumes on Long Covid in the NYT
Dean Hubbs featured in LSA Magazine
Senior Jessica Wang receives the 2022 Feminist Practice Award; Senior Emma Theisen wins Honorable Mention
Jennifer Jones Wins 2024 Individual Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education in Race & Ethnicity Instruction
Congratulations in Order for Charlotte Karem Albrecht’s Recent Major Accomplishments
Petra Kuppers Wins Three Major Awards for Her Career Work in Theatre and Dance
Seda Saluk Publishes an Interview with Loretta J. Ross in Feminist Yaklaşımlar
Group of WGS Faculty and Former Graduate Students Publish Article in Signs
A Look Inside WGS 220: Perspectives in Women's Health
Jennifer Jones Awarded 2025-2026 Faculty Fellow in the Institute for the Humanities
Tiffany Ball Awarded LSA Community-Engaged Course Development Mini Grant
Abigail Dumes Selected for Disability-Related Research Project Funding
Abby Stewart Wins Kurt Lewin Award from Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
Petra Kuppers' Film Wins 2024 Kat Award for Together! Disability Film Festival
Ava Purkiss and Versha Pleasant Present Redefining the Crown in Lane Hall
Lilia Cortina Publishes Op-Ed in Detroit Free Press
Archived News
In CNN, Prof. Naomi André comments on the Metropolitan Opera's cessation of blackface makeup use in 'Otello'
Meghan Liroff, M.D. (2009), says her Women's Studies degree provided a framework to approach her emergency room patients with tolerance and acceptance
Prof. Holly Hughes reflects on the Supreme Court marriage equality ruling in the Huffington Post
Spotlight on Scott De Orio, doctoral candidate in History and Women's Studies, whose dissertation focuses on the history of sex offender law in the United States since the 1960s
Prof. Anna Kirkland weighs in on vaccines on National Public Radio
Professor Tiya Miles Discusses How to Talk to Your Kids About the Contributions of African American Women
Sports Management Prof. Ketra Armstrong comments on The University of Tennessee's decision to remove the prefix "Lady" from all but one of its women's sports teams
Students in Prof. Martha Jones’ African-American Women’s History course recently brought two rare photo albums to life. They belonged to Arabella Chapman (1859-1925)
Gender, Race and Nation minor and Art & Design student Meghal Janardan interviewed and photographed 30 women of color from the University of Michigan for her senior thesis project. You can see it online.
Prof. Lisa Kane Low is named Associate Dean for Practice and Professional Graduate Studies at the School of Nursing
Lita Brillman and Gabriele Koch Awarded McGuigan Prizes for Best Essays in Women's Studies
On National Public Radio Marketplace Morning Report, alumna Renee Gross interviews PhD candidate Rita Seabrook and others on who should pay for dates
Prof. Carol Jacoben and Attorney Lynn D'Orio's article on "Case Studies of the MI Women's Justice & Clemency Project" is published
Prof. Wang Zheng is interviewed about the detention of five Chinese feminist activists at the juncture of Beijing+20
Senior Emma Maniere receives the 2015 Feminist Practice Award
Feminist Practice Award for Undergraduates Deadline March 23, 2015
Five Chinese Feminists Held over International Women's Day Plans
Gender Perspectives in Puerto Rican Childhood Education
Lisa Kane Low President-Elect of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
Professor Tiya Miles' Debut Novel Ties Black, Native-America History
Valerie Traub’s research inspires a lesbian-affirmative performance of Shakespeare’s As You Like It
WGS Professor Robert Wyrod Named 2015 IRWG Junior Faculty Scholar
Anna Kirkland is honored for outstanding contributions to undergraduate education as a recipient of an Arthur F. Thurnau professorship
Two WGS Faculty Recently Awarded
Listen to 2013 graduate Renee Gross' podcast, The Feminist Fork
Prof. Sari van Anders receives the Frank A. Beach Young Investigator Award in Behavioral Neuroendocrinology
The Detroit News reviews the current Lane Hall art show "Re-Imaging Gender"
Prof. Esther Newton's 1993 book, "Cherry Grove: Sixty Years in America's First Gay and Lesbian Town" is reissued in paperback.
Prof. Robert Wyrod writes on "Ebola, Women and the Risk of Care," in the Gender & Society blog
Professor Elizabeth Armstrong is quoted in the New York Times about the residential college experience
The Michigan Daily talks with Prof. Dean Hubbs and others about the current state of popular music
Watch Prof. Martha Jones' lecture on the mid-19th century court case of Celia, a female slave who killed her master after repeated sexual assaults. The lecture was recorded by C-SPAN in the Black Women in the U.S. course.
'Thinking Sex' Symposium to explore origins of sexuality studies
Music journalist Jewly Hight hosted a conversation with rising country/Americana artist Angaleena Presley (Pistol Annies) and our Professor Nadine Hubbs
Kathryn Holland, Verónica Caridad Rabelo and Lilia Cortina find that the military makes progress with sexual assualt training, but more can be done
Esther Newton is featured in ‘A Gay Haven on Fire Island’ in the NY Times
"Sexy Thoughts, Sexy Data," a profile of Professor Sari van Anders in The Science Magazine
Breanne Fahs, Psychology & WGS PHD alum and professor at Arizona State offers extra credit for defying gender norms on body hair. Read more Inside Higher Ed.
Women's Studies mourns the death of Professor Patsy Yaeger
Dr. Tim Johnson, Prof. of ObGyn and WGS, said the Michigan law requiring women to buy a separate health insurance rider for abortion coverage is having a chilling effect on doctors when treating patients
History/WGS PhD alum Rebekah E. Pite received a Social Sciences Book Prize for "Creating a Common Table in Twentieth-Century Argentina: Doña Petrona, Women, and Food"
Make Love Not War: Changing the Conversation on Abortion, History doctoral student Jacqueline Antonovich writes about the recent Lane Hall exhibit on the blog Nursing Clio
Professor Elizabeth Armstrong is quoted in a Forbes article, Hooking Up And Marriage: Luxury Goods For Educated Millennials
Social Work and WGS Professor Rosemary Sarri blogs about her visit to a community development project in the Philippines
LGBTQ minor Michael Schramm has a piece in the Michigan Daily, "Christianity's g(r)ay area"
Watch a video about Prof. Larry LaFountain's new book on trans performance and activism in Puerto Rico and in the U.S.
WDET talks with Prof. Maria Cotera about the new exhibit at El Museo del Norte in Detroit, Las Rebeldes - Stories of Strength and Struggle
Women's Studies alum Becky Lee was a contestant on 'Survivor' and used her winnings to start a nonprofit whose mission is to fight domestic violence. You can read about it in LSA Magazine.
Marina Haque and Emily Waples Receive McGuigan Awards for Best Essays in Women's Studies
Students for Choice Receives the 2014 Feminist Practice Award
Dr. Timothy R. B. Johnson in the Detroit Free Press, Why your doctor, not your boss, should make health care decisions
LSA Professor Anna Kirkland Says Federal Court Ruling Allowing Gay Marriage Trumps Michigan's Ban
Prof. Anna Kirkland was quoted in the Detroit News on the temporary suspension of gay marriages in Michigan
Professor Amal Hassan Fadlalla on "South Sudan: When the Wolf Cries Ethnicity" in Africa Up Close
Artist, researcher and activist Heather Ault is interviewed about her Lane Hall Exhibit “4,000 Years for Choice: A Graphic Guide to Reproductive Justice” on the Michigan Public Radio program Stateside
Meet Terri Conley: The Psychologist With an Alternative Theory of Hookup Culture, in NY Magazine
Listen to Prof. Abby Stewart on Michigan Radio discuss the underrepresentation of women in science and what can be done to change this
The UM student magazine What the F features Prof. Gayle Rubin
A piece in The New York Times on “Sex and Intimacy After the Baby Arrives” is based on the research of Professors Sari van Anders and Lisa Kane Low
Prof. Pam Smock comments in the Detroit Free Press on gender equity and the appointment of Mary Barra as GM CEO
Read about the stop violence against women event organized by students in WGS 240 Intro. to Women's Studies
Marilyn Zimmerwoman's exhibit, "So You Say You Want a Revolution: Sustainable Activism and Beloved Communities of Detroit" is in the Lane Hall Exhibit Space
Prof. Sari van Anders is interviewed about her study on the sexuality of partners of postpartum women
Read about Maria Cotera's project, "Chicana Por Mi Raza: Uncovering the Hidden History of Chicana Feminism"
An article on "Considerations of Gender in the Commutation Process for Incarcerated Women" by Carol Jacobsen and Lora Lempert is published in the journal Signs
Dr. Timothy Johnson writes in the Detroit Free Press on how abortion crackdown risks more lives
Elizabeth Armstrong is quoted in an Inside Higher Ed piece about 'hook-up culture' on college campuses.
"The NEA Four Revisited: Holly Hughes Shares Her Thoughts" on the Hyperallergic Blog
Nadine Naber is awarded a Global Challenges for a Third Century Initiative grant for her digital photo archive project, Women’s Human Rights in Egypt: Food, Safety and Political Participation
Amal Hassan Fadlalla receives Woodrow Wilson Fellowship
Julianne Halsey and Angela Pérez-Villa are the 2013 McGuigan Prize winners for best essays in Women's Studies
Read Women's Studies and History doctoral candidate Cookie Woolner's blog post on queer black women and marriage ceremonies in the 1920s-1970s
"Interrupted Life: Incarcerated Mothers in the U.S." is in the Lane Hall Exhibit Space
Amy Navvab receives the Feminist Practice Award for her leadership in the U-M Open Housing Initiative
Leela Fernandes' book "Transnational Feminism in the United States: Knowledge, Ethics, Power" is released
Department Chair Elizabeth Cole is honored with a Sarah Goddard Power Award
Marking a milestone, Women's Studies 40th anniversary video
Student project reports on the accessibility of the judicial bypass law for Florida minors
Watch Prof. Angela Dillard and PhD Candidate Khaliah Mangrum discuss the Lane Hall Exhibit Claiming Citizenship on Detroit Public Television's American Black Journal
Claiming Citizenship: African Americans and New Deal Photography is in the Lane Hall Exhibit Space
Elizabeth Cole writes in the APS Observer about two pioneers of feminist and black psychology
Terri Conley is cited in the New York Times Sunday Review piece, Darwin Was Wrong About Dating
Doing Neuroscience, Doing Feminism: An Interview with Professor Sari van Anders
Professor Terri Conley's research has challenged evolutionary psychology’s thesis that women are less interested in casual sex than men
Professor Tiya Miles is Searching for the Historical Truth in African and American Indian Relationships
Rachel Fentin wrote her honors thesis about the Hunger Games and the Giver, two dystopian young adult novels. It's covered in the LSA Magazine.
Child hunger expert Mariana Chilton's Shaw lecture is now available online and as a podcast
Gayle Rubin is awarded a Ruth Benedict Book Prize from the Association for Queer Anthropology
How mothers living in poverty are demanding economic justice was the topic of the Shaw lecture. Read about it in the University Record.
Nadine Naber's new book, Arab America: Gender, Cultural Politics, and Activism, is released
The research by Terri Conley, Amy Moors, Jes Matsick, and Ali Ziegler on gender differences in sexuality is covered in Psychology Today
Congratulations to the winners of the McGuigan Prizes for best essays in Women's Studies
Watch Bothaina Kamel, candidate for the presidency of Egypt, deliver the Motorola lecture
2012 Undergraduate Honors Theses Abstracts
The Lane Hall Gallery hosts the SuperWomen exhibit, featuring photographs that celebrate the accomplishments, diversity, and beauty of female athletes
Tiya Miles discusses her work on the intersecting history of African Americans and Native Americans on the American Public Media radio program, <i>On Being</i>
A collection of Gayle Rubin's most influential essays is released
Holly Hughes’ recent solo show, “The Dog and Pony Show: Bring Your Own Pony,” has been nominated for a national GLAAD Media Award
Sarah Fenstermaker is appointed as Director of the Institute for Research on Women and Gender and Professor of Sociology and Women's Studies
Anna Kirkland writes in the New York Times on expanding legal safeguards to include weight
Trevor Hoppe has been conducting extensive interviews with local health department officials about how they have been applying state laws related to HIV
See the Ann Arbor Journal's coverage of the Lane Hall Exhibit Reception, "A Woman's Place is in the Struggle"
Terri Conley's research on gender and sexual behavior is in Jezebel
The Fall 2011 Women's Studies Newsletter is Online
<i>Sudan’s Secession and the Future Ahead</i>, A Conversation with Amal Hassan Fadlalla is in the <i>Journal of the International Institute</i>
Women's Studies and Psychology Ph.D. alum Bre Fahs' new book, <i>Performing Sex</i>, offers a provocative critique of women’s sexual liberation in the U.S.
Carol Jacobsen is interviewed about her films on women incarcerated in the U.S. in the <i>Signs Online Journal: Films for the Feminist Classroom</i>
Congratulations to our joint doctoral program alumni on their sucessful job placements
In <i>Science Now</i>, Sari van Anders commented on a study that showed men with children have a decrease in testosterone
There has recently been a series of sexual assaults near the UM campus - learn more about the steps we can take to increase our personal and collective safety
AAUW Names Abigail J. Stewart 2011 Eleanor Roosevelt Fund Awardee
Amal Hassan Fadlalla and other scholars assess the future of Southern Sudan in a podcast from the Hammer Museum at UCLA
Carol Jacobsen talks with <i>LSA Magazine</i> about the Michigan Women's Justice and Clemency Project
Maria Cotera works to create a museum that will remember the thousands of Mexicans unjustly deported during the 1930s
Ph.D. Candidate and D-Funk Allstars roller derby team member Molly Hatcher is featured in <i>LSA Magazine</i>, "Don't Let the Fishnets Fool You"
Sarah Chapman and Zakiya Luna awarded McGuigan prizes for best essays in Women's Studies, Alex Cooperstock receives honorable mention
Ellen Eisenman's exhibit in Lane Hall, <i>we will not be silent</i>, is reviewed in
Read about Terri Conley's study of the varying motivations and attitudes that men and women have towards casual sex
Amal Hassan Fadlalla is cited in an article on Redefining Sudan
Nadine Naber and Philip Potter discuss the struggle against authoritarian rule in Egypt
Nadine Naber's article "Imperial Feminism, Islamophobia, and the Egyptian Revolution" is in
View David Halperin's Distinguished University Professorship lecture: "Are Homosexuals Still Sick?"
Amal Hassan Fadlalla is quoted in an article on Sudan's Beauty Revolution in Al-Ahram Weekly
Gayle Rubin's book, <i>Surveiller et jouir: Anthropologie politique du sexe</i> (Discipline and Pleasure: Political Anthropology of Sex) is published in French
New style of Michigan Women's Studies t-shirts in women’s fit and sizes
Spotlight on Graduate Coordinator Aimee Germain
The U-M Spectrum Center Celebrates Doin it for 40 Years with a year-long program of LGBT education and entertainment
The winter Lane Hall Exhibit, "we will not be silent, photographs by ellen eisenman," is up
Holly Hughes' piece <i>Let Them Eat Cake</i>, is reviewed in the Village Voice
<i>Against Health: How Health Became the New Morality</i>, by Jonathan M. Metzl and Anna Kirkland, is released
Esther Newton is honored at the American Anthropological Association with a symposium, <i>The Mother (Camp) of Us All</i>
The Brian Lehrer Show features Anna Kirkland and Jonathan Metzl discussing their new book, <i>Against Health: How Health Became the New Morality</i>
The Michigan Daily Reports on the panel, "The Politicized Voices of American-Muslim Women"
Shaw Lecturer Robin Givhan, Fashion Editor of the Washington Post, talks about Fashion, Power, and Politics
<i>Thinking about Other People in Nineteenth-Century British Writing</i> by Adela Pinch, is released
Access to the Judicial Bypass Option in Michigan: Is There Really an Option for Minors?
Elizabeth Cole and Nadine Hubbs comment on "The End of Tenure" in a letter to the New York Times
U-M Women's Studies researchers Leskinen, Cortina, and Kabat find that gender harassment is just as distressing for women as sexual advances in the workplace
Timothy R.B. Johnson and Judy Norsigian Write About the High Cost of Caesarean Births in the <i>Boston Globe</i>
Jonathan Metzl discusses his book <i>The Protest Psychosis: How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease</i> on the Australian National Radio Program, All In The Mind
Women's Studies Alum Corrie Wallace, Director of the Parent Center for Immigrant and Refugee Families, is Interviewed on Chicago Public Radio
Women's Studies Faculty David Caron and Holly Hughes are Awarded Guggenheim Fellowships
Lynn Verduzco Baker and Jamie Budnick Receive McGuigan Prizes for Best Essays in Women's Studies, Laura Winnick Receives Honorable Mention
<i>Gay Shame</i> by David M. Halperin and Valerie Traub, is released
Jonathan Metzl is featured in a <i>Science Daily</i> article about a study that found black men are overdiagnosed with schizophrenia more than any other group
Susan Siegfried's book <i>Ingres: Painting Reimagined</i>, is released
A Tribute to Retiring Professor of Art and Women's Studies, Joanne Leonard
Professor Jonathan Metzl Writes About His Direct Experience With China's Response to the H1N1 Virus in the <i>Kansas City Star</i> and the <i>Los Angeles Times</i>
<i>Becoming a Woman in the Age of Letters</i> by Dena Goodman, is released
On Michigan Radio, Dr. Lisa Harris discusses what the Supreme Court's ruling on abortion restrictions in Texas could mean for Michigan
Dr. Lisa Harris discusses Supreme Court ruling on Texas abortion restrictions
All Events
Archived Events
October 2015
2015 Vivian R. Shaw Lecture with Piper Kermann. "Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison"
Incarcerated Women: A Conversation about Realities
The 25th Anniversary Symposium, Davis, Markert, Nickerson Lecture on Academic and Intellectual Freedom "Fragility of Our Freedoms"
September 2015
The Institutional Life of Intersectionality, or Notes on Feminist Fatigue
Some Men: Feminist Allies and the Movement to End Violence Against Women
Carceral Visions: The Prison as Image/Object/Limit Symposium
Prison Obscura Exhibition Opening & Reception
April 2015
Spring Symposium-RSVP Required
German Studies Colloquium. Gender and the Imaginary of Revolution in German, 1918-19
ORIENTations. Eng Beng-Lim
Twin Trouble: The Long History of Simian Actors from Blind Gew to Snooky the Humanzee.
Honors Colloquium
Presumptions, Realities, and Strategies: Women of Color Faculty and the University Classroom
Similarities in Self-Categorization Dynamics for Transgender Spectrum and Cisgender Adults
Women in Hip-Hop: "From MC Lyte to Iggy Azalea, How did we end up here?"
Feminism and Community Psychology
March 2015
Facilitated Conference: New Articulations / New Translations: Feminist Research Activism
Book Launch of "The Cherokee Rose" by Tiya Miles
Saving Jeannace June Freeman: Capital Punishment and the Transformation of Homophobia in Oregon, 1961-1964
Black Feminist Think Tank: A Symposium
Pizza with Professors and Advisors
Gender Research Across the Disciplines
ORIENTations. Mimi Thi Nguyen
$tart $mart Negotiation Workshop
Seminar in honor of Patsy Yaeger
February 2015
Taking Back the X, Bringing Back the Love
RESCHEDULED ORIENTations. "Bottomhood Is Powerful"
Inaugural William Monroe Trotter Lecture
Gender: New Works, New Questions, Rednecks, Queers, and Country Music by Nadine Hubbs
STS-Related. Beyond Life/Not Life: A Feminist-Indigenous Reading of Cryopreservation Practices and Ethics, Interspecies Thinking, and the New Materialisms
January 2015
"A Deeper Black: Race in America." Motorola Lecture
Lane Hall Exhibit Opening: "Re-Imaging Gender," a juried art show
December 2014
"The Michigan Difference: Going to Mississippi... If I Don't, Who Will?" The Installation of Dr. Lisa Harris as the F. Wallace and Janet Jeffries Professor of Reproductive Health
November 2014
Interactivity in Feminist Classrooms: Panel & Discussion.
Exiting the Ivory Tower Before and After Graduation: Attrition and Non-Faculty Careers Among Diverse Students
Animal Acts: Performing Species Today, edited by Holly Hughes and Una Chaudhuri
Optimizing your Summer Internship Opportunities
October 2014
Deviations: A Gayle Rubin Reader
Co-sponsored Event: Feminist Science Studies. HPV and the Expanding Sexual Politics of Cancer Prevention
Feminists Theorize the Post-Liberalization State
Disciplinary Disconnects: Gender, Addictions, and Making a Difference
Thirty Years of "Thinking Sex"
September 2014
Rachel Carson and Her Sisters: Extraordinary Women Who Have Shaped America's Environment
When Women Succeed, America Succeeds: Why We Need a Women's Economic Agenda
Caught in the Cross-Publics of the "Muslimwoman"
Opening of the Lane Hall Exhibit Salamander by the Olimpias Disability Culture Collective
June 2014
Summer term classes begin June 26
May 2014
Spring term classes begin May 6
April 2014
Honors Colloquium
Race, Gender & Hip Hop: An Open Discussion
What is Sex For?
Sex, Race, and Sciences of Human Behavior
Coming Out Swiss: In Search of Heidi, Chocolate and My Other Self
March 2014
Scandal in Suburbia: Lesbian Wives, or the Hidden Threat to the Nuclear Family in Postwar America, brownbag lunch
What You Can DO with a Social Science Degree
February 2014
POSTPONED DUE TO FLOODING: Detroit Women Speak, film event in Detroit
Paying for the Party: How College Maintains Inequality
Women's Studies in Real Life: Using Women's Studies and Feminist Practice in your Career
January 2014
After Tiller - A documentary about the physicians in America who offer late-term abortions following the 2009 assassination of Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas
POSTPONED--Women's Studies in Real Life: Using Women’s and Gender Studies & Feminist Practice in your Career
MLK Symposium event: The War on Poverty: A Retrospective
The War on Poverty: A Retrospective
4,000 Years for Choice: Changing Culture, Creating History, and Honoring Stories of Reproductive Freedom
December 2013
Feminist Scholars Engaging the Public: A Panel Discussion
November 2013
Detroit Women Speak: A Community Film on Race, Environmental Justice, Leadership & Gender in Detroit
Don’t Call Me Inspirational: A Disabled Feminist Talks Back
Building a Green Economy: Indigenous Strategies for a Sustainable Future
Circles and Sensibilities: Music by and for Virgil Thomson
October 2013
Reception for the Ukrainian Women's Handiwork exhibit in the Lane Hall glass cases
Vivian R. Shaw Lecture, Equal Work, Equal Pay
September 2013
Opening reception for the Marilyn Zimmerwoman photography exhibit, "So You Say You Want a Revolution: Sustainable Activism and Beloved Communities of Detroit"
Deviations: A Gayle Rubin Reader
Justice Before Charity: Everyone Has the Right to Eat
April 2013
Undergraduate Honors Colloquium and McGuigan Prize Presentation
Feminist Science: "The Concept of "Race" in the Age of Genomics"
Women's Leadership to End the Korean War
Birthing Reproductive Justice: 150 Years of Images and Ideas
Women's Studies Senior Class Presents: FEMFEST!
"The turf, the path, the gravel": Reflections on the Academic Life in Honor of Anne Herrmann
Feminist Finance Symposium
Mentoring Around Differences, Joint Women's Studies and Psychology Brown Bag
Abortion and the Global Battle for Gender Equality
March 2013
Motorola Lecture, Building New Majorities: Achieving Racial and Gender Equity in Life and Politics
"Building New Majorities: Achieving Racial and Gender Equity in Life and Politics," 2013 Motorola Lecture by Rinku Sen
Performing the Posthuman: Engendering Animals
"The New Sterilization: Incarceration as Population Policy in the United States," lecture and opening reception for the multimedia exhibition, Interrupted Life: Incarcerated Mothers in the United States
The New Sterilization
Jobs Beyond the Ivory Tower
Lane Hall Exhibit: Interrupted Life: Incarcerated Mothers in the United States
The March of Humanitarianism: "Clooneyal" Visibilites and the Fragmentation of the Sudan
Feminist Science: "Community Ecologies: Invasive Species and Interdisciplinary Crossings"
Community Ecologies: Invasive Species & Interdisciplinary Crossings
Sexual satisfaction in young adults: Challenges in diverse definition and measurement of satisfying sex
February 2013
"Engaging Diversity: More Important Than Ever," Nancy Cantor Distinguished Lectureship on Intellectual Diversity
Nikky Finney Reading
Lila Miller Collegiate Professorship in History and Women's Studies Inaugural Lecture: "Episodes in the History of Intellectual Sociability: From the French Enlightenment to the University of Michigan"
The Alumni Association: What they can do for you now!
Career and Change Agent Pathways for Women's and Gender Studies Graduates: Trends and Lessons Learned from a Global Database of Women's and Gender Studies Graduates (1995-2010)
January 2013
Transnational Feminism in the United States: Knowledge, Ethics, Power
Pouring Tea: Black Gay Men of the South Tell Their Tales
Performance: "Pouring Tea: Black Gay Men of the South Tell Their Tales"
Impediments to the Dream: The Prison Industrial Complex and the Dream
"New Deal Visualities: Figures of Difference in Photographic Claims to Citizenship," exhibit opening and panel discussion
November 2012
IRWG Feminist Science Studies 2012: "Gestating Gender"
October 2012
IRWG Feminist Science Studies 2012: "Science and secularism: Feminist issues"
Rackham Centennial Lecture, "On 'Liberated Sex' and Other Myths"
The Archivist Behind the Curtain: Tips for Researchers Approaching the Archive
The Chicana por mi Raza Digital Humanities Project
Psychology and WGS Brownbag, "Gender Differences in Fantasy: Dissertation Brainstorming Workshop"
Sex & Justice Conference
IRWG Feminist Science Studies 2012: "Queer Science"
September 2012
Women's Studies 40th Anniversary Celebration
Women's Studies 40th Anniversary Celebration: Shaw Lecture, Dr. Mariana Chilton, Witnesses to Hunger: How Mothers Living in Poverty are Demanding Economic Justice
May 2012
Conference: Title IX at Forty: Progress and Promise—Equity for All
Spring term
April 2012
"Smashing the Masher: The Response to Street Harassment in Progressive Era America" a Lecture by Estelle Freedman
Women's Studies Undergraduate Honors Colloquium
Reception to celebrate the publication of Naomi André's new book, <i>Blackness in Opera</i>
The Sexual Harassment of Feminist Women, Psychology and Women's Studies Brownbag
<i>Newspaper Diary: Trompe l’Oeil Photographs</i><br>By Joanne Leonard
March 2012
Global Feminism Revisited
Feminist Interventions in the Sciences and in Epistemology: Significant Parallels
Economic, Cultural, and Social Mechanisms Driving Women's HIV Risk: The Case of Kenya
Women’s property rights abuses in Nyanza and Western Provinces, Kenya: An examination of this critical structural driver of HIV risks
A Tale of Two Sisters: Feminist Interventions in Borderlands History
Can the Revolution Liberate Women, Too? 2012 Motorola Lecture on Gender and the Media
The documentary film, <i>Miss Representation</i>
February 2012
Islam, Women Activists, and the Agency of Interpretation
The Congress on Research in Dance 2012 Special Topics Conference: Meanings and Makings of Queer Dance
Stigma in Abortion and Abortion Work: Stories from the Field
Tales of the Evolution of Female Orgasm and Adaptationist and Sexist Biases in Research
The Emergence of Feminism in the Mizrahi Ashkenazi Discourse
The Women in Math Club presents, "Why Are Manholes Round?"
January 2012
Revisioning the Life of Coretta Scott King
The Vulva Dialogues: Anthropology, Medicine, and the Female Genital Body
Critical Sexuality Methods: Feminist Perspectives on Knowledge Production & Health
December 2011
"Between the Lines of Michigan Senate Bill 13: A Discussion on the Implications of a Personhood Amendment"
Attached to Monogamy?: Attachment Styles and Openness to Consensual Non-monogamous Relationships
November 2011
Feminism, Human Rights, and War: The Case of Lebanon, 2006 to the Arab Spring
DAAS Women's film series, <i>Beloved</i>
International Institute Symposium on <i>New Media/Social Change: Implications for Area Studies</i>
PS&C Brown Bag Series, “Latino/a Depression and Smoking: An Analysis Through the Lenses of Culture, Gender, and Ethnicity”
October 2011
Mistinguette Smith, Black/Land Project
Public reception for the Lane Hall Exhibit, <i>A Woman's Place is in the Struggle: Gender, Race, and Nation, 1975-1995</i>
September 2011
Multiple Impressions: Contemporary Chinese Woodblock Prints Artist Conversation and Dialogue with Chen Limin
Agnes Goes to Prison: Transgender Inmates, "Clocking", and the Olympics of Gender Authority
Teach-In on Sexual Assault: Tools for Safety, Knowledge for Change
March 2009
The Women's Studies Department Presents "Careers in Women's Health"
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Sonya Orleans Rose
Shelley Ann Shock
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