Professor Jennifer Dominique Jones

Jennifer Dominique Jones, Associate Professor of History and Women's and Gender Studies, has been awarded the 2025-2026 Faculty Fellowship in the Institute for the Humanities. Professor Jones's title will be the Jean Yokes Woodhead Faculty Fellow for the coming 2025-2026 academic year. 

The purpose of this fellowship is to free faculty from service, teaching, and/or clinical responsibilities and provide dedicated time to work on their proposed project. 

The committee searches for "projects that will benefit from and contribute to the interdisciplinary nature of the group of fellows and the work of the Fellows Seminar."

Judged on "promise and significance of the proposed research project; the humanities and arts content of the project; the quality, significance, and breadth of the applicant's prior work," Professor Jones was one of eight awarded this fellowship from many impressive applications.

Here is a list of the 2024-2025 Fellows.