On Monday, April 18th, eight undergraduate seniors presented their honors theses after a year and a half of research and writing. Each thesis was at least fifty pages long and had mentorship from two University professors. The students chose unique topics, conducted thorough research, wrote and edited meticulously, and should be proud of the very tangible contribution they are making to the study of women and gender.
Congratulations on a job well done!
A recording of the presentations is available via zoom: https://umich.zoom.us/rec/share/C60LgG38A6BAQLPQMaaHT0ZCXRpMfoihnCTXoojjpeXNHebqvzkGFHZaANfm41DD.DbeMzSKOhJsXjqyX?startTime=1650295665000
Isabelle Fisher
The Impact of Provider’s Gender and Race on Conception of Pain during Childbirth and Doctor-Patient Relationship
(Gender & Health Major)
First Reader: Tim Johnson | Second Reader: Diana Louis
Katherine Wiatrak
“Zooming In”: An Examination of Mental Health and Self-Objectification Among Young Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Gender & Health Major)
First Reader: Elizabeth Cole | Second Reader: L. Monique Ward
Charanya Rengarajan
Assessing the Success Rates of Trial of Labor After Cesarean in White and BIPOC Mothers
(Gender & Health Major)
First Reader: Joanne Bailey | Second Reader: Ava Purkiss
Carina Tedesco
Balancing Stress with Support: An Investigation of Pre Versus Post Covid-Era Birth Experiences
(Gender & Health Major)
First Reader: Cynthia Gabriel | Second Reader: Lee Roosevelt
Clarisa Moreno-Middleberg
Early Mobilization of Zapatista Women: Gender Equity, Dignity, and Revolutionary Tactics
(Women’s & Gender Studies Major)
First reader: David Tamayo | Second Reader: Andrea Bolivar
Natalie Rosenblatt
When Identities Intersect: An Analysis of the Secular Jewish Experience of Coming Out (Women’s & Gender Studies Major)
First Reader: Ruth Tsoffar | Second Reader: Elizabeth Cole
Ceciel Zhong
Playing Romance: An Exploration of Fantasy, Agency, and Imagination through Otome Games
(Women’s & Gender Studies Major)
First Reader: Allison Alexy | Second Reader: Yvette Granata
Nadia Shebli
“When’s the Tolbeh?!” Negotiating Arab-Muslim American Identity Through Heterosexual Relationship-Making Culture in Dearborn, Michigan
(Women’s & Gender Studies Major)
First Reader: Charlotte Karem-Albrecht | Second Reader: Allison Alexy