Fall 2024 WGS 220 Research Presentation Event in the League Ballroom

As a part of WGS 220: Perspectives in Women’s Health, professors Joanne Bailey and Cynthia Gabriel organize an event where students have the opportunity to share their research with fellow classmates and faculty. This is a unique, interactive, and experiential learning opportunity for students to present their research projects. This year, approximately 370 students gathered to present their projects.  

The projects require students to create an infographic summarizing research findings from their work throughout the semester. Students draft theses and create annotated bibliographies adhering to the “strategies for analysis of women’s health from a feminist perspective” emphasized in the class.  

In four, 30-minute groups, students create stations around the League Ballroom with their infographics and related activities. Guests are invited to mill about the aisles and participate in the students’ activities. Students are also participants in this event, when they are not inviting others to participate in their activities. 

This is a beautiful culmination of key course concepts from throughout the semester and brings together a group of talented scholars who will undoubtedly be the leaders in the next generation of activists, academics, and medical professionals.  

WGS 220: Perspectives in Women’s Health is a core course for the Gender and Health major and minor, fulfills the Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the U.S. requirement for the Women’s and Gender Studies major, and can be taken as a part of the Gender, Race & Nation and Social Class & Inequality Studies minors.