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Toni Antonucci
Elizabeth M. Douvan Collegiate Professor of Psychology and Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Social Research Life Course
2217 East Hall 734.764.9192
Rachel Brandon
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Social Work and Personality & Social Contexts
3012 East Hall
Rona Carter
Joint Program in Social Work and Psychology Area Chair; Associate Professor of Psychology
2243 East Hall 734.763.2225
Olivia D. Chang
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Social Work and Developmental Psychology
2012 East Hall
Terri D. Conley
Gender and Feminist Psychology Area Chair; Professor of Psychology
3243 East Hall
530 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043
Pamela Davis-Kean
Professor of Psychology; Research Professor at the Institute for Social Research; Director of Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
2241 East Hall 734.763.0490
Allison Earl
Associate Professor of Psychology
3000 East Hall 734.763.1133
Phoebe Ellsworth
Frank Murphy Distinguished Professor Emerita of Law and Psychology, and Faculty Associate, ISR Research Center for Group Dynamics
3054 East Hall
Coreena Forstner
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Social Work and Clinical Science
2240 East Hall
Richard Gonzalez
Amos N. Tversky Collegiate Professor of Psychology and Statistics
3008 East Hall 734.647.6785
Emma Gross
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Social Work and Developmental Psychology
2024 East Hall
Keion Harris
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Social Work and Developmental Psychology
3012 East Hall
Sunghyun (Hannah) Hong
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Social Work and Developmental Psychology
B660 School of Social Work Building & 2032 East Hall (Department of Psychology)
Jay Kayser
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Social Work and Developmental Psychology
2237 East Hall
Shinobu Kitayama
Robert B. Zajonc Collegiate Professor of Psychology; Director of the Culture & Cognition Program
3217 East Hall 734.647.6786
Ethan Kross
Social Area Chair; Professor of Psychology and Management/Organizations
3004 East Hall 734.763.5640
Ramaswami Mahalingam
Professor of Psychology
3263 East Hall
530 Church St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043
Brody Mantha
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Social Work and Clinical Science
2240 East Hall
Vonnie C. McLoyd
Ewart A. C. Thomas Collegiate Professor of Psychology
2016 East Hall 734.615.9603
Brittani Parham
Graduate Student; Social Work and Developmental Psychology
2056 East Hall
Yanghyun Park
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Social Work and Developmental Psychology
2012 East Hall
Brittany Ribeiro Brown
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Social Work and Personality & Social Contexts
2237 East Hall
Kari Sherwood
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Social Work and Developmental Psychology
B660 School of Social Work
Yuliya Shyrokonis
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Social Work and Clinical Science
2237 East Hall