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Subjunctive Aesthetics: Mexican Cultural Production in the Era of Climate Change Lecture

A Two-Part Event with Carolyn Fornoff
Thursday, March 13, 2025
3:00-5:00 PM
RLL Commons (MLB 4314) Modern Languages Building Map
In this lecture, Carolyn Fornoff will discuss her recent book, Subjunctive Aesthetics: Mexican Cultural Production in the Era of Climate Change (Vanderbilt Press, 2024). Her book assesses contemporary trends in the representation of environmental crisis in order to suggest that there has been a shift away from evidentiary modes focused on proving the existence of environmental harms, to more “subjunctive” modes that imagine the world as it could be or should be.
Building: Modern Languages Building
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: book discussion, Books, climate, Culture, department of romance languages, Discussion, Diversity, Environment, environmental, humanities, In Person, institute for the humanities, Interdisciplinary, Language, Latin America, literary, literature, Media, Research, Talk, Writing
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Romance Languages & Literatures RLL, Institute for the Humanities, Rackham Graduate School, International Institute

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