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Caryl Flinn
Professor of Department of Film, Television, and Media; Affiliate Professor in Comparative Literature and Women's and Gender Studies
Colin Gunckel
Department Chair, Department of Film, Television, and Media; Associate Professor of Department of Film, Television, and Media and American Culture
Surface Mail: 505 S. State Street | 3722 Haven Hall;Ann Arbor MI 48109-1045 734.615.2935
Daniel Herbert
Professor; Department of Film, Television, and Media
6413 North Quad
Sheila C. Murphy
Associate Professor; Director of Graduate Studies
6437 North Quad 734.615.7089
Markus Nornes
Professor of Asian Cinema
202 S. Thayer, Suite 6111; Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608 734.647.2093
Melissa Phruksachart
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Film, Television, and Media Core Faculty in Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies
Yeidy M. Rivero
Surface Mail: 105 S. State Street | 6330 North Quad, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1285 734.764.0147
Johannes von Moltke
Rudolf Arrnheim Collegiate Professor of German Studies and Film, Television, & Media
6330 North Quad