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The Ph.D. program in the Department of Film, Television, and Media is a highly selective, interdisciplinary program that offers students the opportunity to work with internationally recognized faculty at a world-class institution with incredible resources. We offer five years of support to those admitted, emphasize mentoring and collaboration with faculty, provide additional research and travel support to our students, and offer a host of professional development workshops and events. There is also a range of summer research and teaching opportunities available to our graduates.Graduate students in the Department of Film, Television, and Media receive broad training in the historical and theoretical foundations of cinema and media studies while developing expertise in another field or subject area related to their research interests. While designing a highly individualized program of study, students have the opportunity to complete coursework on cinema, media studies, television, and digital media through the department. Graduate students are also able to begin developing research projects with faculty members beginning in the very first year of the program.

The University of Michigan is a bustling, dynamic place that hosts an impressive array of concerts, lectures, theatrical performances, art exhibitions, and other cultural events. Ann Arbor is consistently ranked one of the best places in the country to live and also boasts an extraordinary range of cultural, social, recreational, and scholarly events and activities.