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FTVM Students Planning to Study Abroad
Prior to going abroad, you must meet with the FTVM Associate Chair David Marek for preliminary approval of how proposed courses may count in the major or minor. Please provide course descriptions, syllabi, or other available material. You should also contact an advisor in LS&A to be sure courses will transfer into the College.
NOTE: If the course(s) are taken through the Center for Global and Intercultural Study (CGIS), they are considered University of Michigan courses and do not need assessment by an LSA transfer advisor.
SAVE all of your materials – syllabi, reading lists, papers, exams, projects, etc. – from your course(s) taken while abroad. When you return to UM, you will provide these course materials to the FTVM Associate Chair for final transfer credit assessment in the FTVM major or Global Media Studies minor. Please schedule an advising appointment with the Associate Chair for a date and time at least one week following receipt of your materials.
LSA Approval Process for Student Abroad & Transfer Credits
FTVM Student Testimonials
FTVM major Sam Goldenberg (‘22) studied abroad in London, UK, at the Queen Mary University of London during the second semester of her sophomore year. There, she studied British Film History, as well as British political systems and London’s history. Luckily, she was able to explore London, Barcelona, Madrid, Dublin, and Copenhagen before having to leave early due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
“I loved London - it was a fantastic city to study in! Every day, I hopped the tube somewhere new. My favorite city to travel to was Madrid. I visited the Prado Museum, the Royal Palace of Madrid, and Parque del Retiro, and ate some insanely delicious food. Soaking up that Spanish sunshine was definitely the best way to spend a few days away from rainy London!"
FTVM major Justin Chung (‘21) studied abroad in South Korea at Yonsei University during the summer of his sophomore year. During the six weeks, he visited the coastal city of Busan, ate live octopus, and explored historical sites with his newfound program friends. When he wasn’t exploring the bustling city life or street foods galore that Seoul had to offer, he studied East Asian Horror Cinema and interned at a Yonsei University research lab.
"The time I spent in Seoul were some of the best weeks of my life. I made friends from universities all across the world, many who I still talk to today, and we spent our days getting to know Korea as best as we could. Some highlights would be eating the best seafood ever at Busan, attending the absolutely wild Water Gun Festival, and cheering on talented buskers late at night! It was such a breath of fresh air that I would 100% enjoy again.”