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What Distinguishes the Department of Film, Television, and Media?

In contrast to a traditional film school or art school model, the Department of Film, Television, and Media integrates critical studies and creative production in film, television, and new media within a large world-class university. Within this department, students can elect courses in studies, production, and/or screenwriting. 

The Department of Film, Television, and Media is one of the 75 academic units in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA). Students interested in majoring in the Department of Film, Television, and Media must first apply to LSA and be accepted into the college. At that point, they may begin taking our classes. 

Please note that a creative portfolio is not required, nor are we able to accept one as a supplement to your application. 

Our Undergraduates in Action

Are you wondering what our FTVM classes look like, what kinds of production projects our students create, and what our studies program includes? Click the button below to view snapshots of our the studios and beyond.