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During Spring and Summer terms, please email Dr. David Marek directly for an advising appointment:

Meet Our FTVM Advisors

David Marek

Hello aspiring media makers, scholars and screenwriters! I'm David Marek, a production lecturer and the Associate Chair of the Department of Film, Television and Media. In addition to being an Advisor for the major, I oversee the FTVM undergraduate curriculum and the Global Media Studies Minor. While both FTVM advisors are happy to help you with declaring the FTVM major, course planning, major requirements, and graduation, please make an appointment with me specifically if you have questions about study abroad or transfer credits from other UofM departments or outside institutions. I look forward to saying hello and hope you're having a great semester.


Carleen L. Hsu

Hi Students! Welcome to FTVM! I'm Carleen L. Hsu but, you can call me Ling. I'm a filmmaker and lecturer whose teaching includes editing, producing, indie and doc filmmaking and more. I am happy to help you navigate your time with FTVM so that you have an exciting and fulfilling experience. Feel free to make an appointment via our portal! Looking forward to meeting you!