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Department of Film, Television, and Media (FTVM)

Recent News

Like Dylan in the Movies

Alum Peter Jaysen describes producing the new Bob Dylan biopic “A Complete Unknown,” through a pandemic and an industry strike, as akin to being a fireman. He wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.

A Later-in-Life Transfer Student Guides Others

After transferring to LSA to study film in his 40s, Olivier U. Bahizi discovered that the things he worried would be barriers to his success were actually—in addition to his boundless curiosity—great strengths.

In the Department of Film, Television, and Media, we create and study the moving image as seen on multiple screens—on the big screens of movie palaces, the cineplex, the art house and the film festival; on small screens ensconced in mammoth fifties consoles and those of giant flat-screened visual glory.  With a strong undergraduate curriculum of production and studies, a burgeoning doctoral program in film, television, and media and a faculty of award-winning scholars and media makers, the Department of Film, Television, and Media offers a vibrant intellectual and artistic community here in the Midwest/Great Lakes region.

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