Research Office Updates

Research Ramping Down: Earlier this week, OVPR shared guidance that faculty, staff, and students must ramp down all noncritical laboratory research activities, with the exception of research related to COVID-19,  by 5PM on Friday, March 20th. The university will maintain minimal access to laboratories so that critical activities, including the maintenance of animals, unique reagents, and essential equipment and materials, along with research related to COVID-19, can continue. Research and scholarship (e.g., analyzing data, writing and reviewing manuscripts, preparing presentations, developing new grant proposals, convening online discussions with students and lab staff, etc.) that can occur remotely should continue. There is additional guidance related to proposal submission and award management at, which is a great resource for research questions and is updated daily with new information.

ORSP/Sponsored Programs: The Office of Research and Sponsored Projects (ORSP) and Sponsored Programs (SP) are conducting business as usual and will continue to operate even in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak at U-M.

Federal Proposal Submissions: At present, all federal agencies are accepting proposal submissions as usual. In the event a COVID-19 outbreak closes a federal agency that is currently accepting proposals, we expect the agency will continue to accept proposals; however, the proposals will most likely remain in a queue (e.g., within the system), pending resumption of agency operations – as has been the case during recent federal budget-related shutdowns.

Non-Federal Proposal Submissions: Please check with each nonfederal sponsor’s website to determine if they are accepting proposals and/or if deadlines have been extended.

COGR COVID-19 Response: The Council On Governmental Relations developed a webpage (link is external) that features comprehensive links to key federal agencies' COVID-19 operations. Some sponsors have begun to extend proposal submission deadlines and so please review solicitations for the most current information.  In addition, some sponsors may offer extensions for reporting or other award deliverables and so check the sponsor websites for the most current information.

Cost-Sharing Requests: Please submit cost-sharing requests early, as there may be delays with UMOR reviews and funding recommendations.

Faculty Grants and Awards (FGA): The LSA and UMOR Faculty Grants and Awards (FGA) program through eGIF is accepting proposals and applications for funding consideration as usual.