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ForALL Preview


At the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, we've made it our mission to enhance diversity, not only within our department, but in the environmental and geosciences as a whole. Therefore, every year in October, our department organizes the ForALL Preview event. This event takes place several months before graduate student applications are due. 

ForALL Preview provides an opportunity for college juniors, seniors, and recently graduated students with a BS or MS degree to explore graduate school and our department. We are particularly interested in applications from students who are eligible for a Rackham Merit Fellowship Award, which aims to reduce disparities in graduate education.

ForALL Preview is open to US citizens and non-citizens. The event is now held virtually to give students around the world the opportunity to attend and:

  • get information about the graduate school application and admissions processes
  • learn about EARTH's MS and PhD programs
  • meet faculty and current graduate students and learn about their research
  • get a sense of academic life at the University of Michigan and in EARTH

This year's ForALL Preview event date is pending. Watch this page for updates.

How to Apply

Your application must include:

  • personal information.
  • their areas of interest (Climate Change & Paleoclimate; Environmental Sciences & Hydrology; Geobiology; Geochronology & Thermochronology; Geology, Structural Geology & Tectonics; Geophysics & Seismology; Low-Temperature Geochemistry; Mineralogy, Petrology & High-Temperature Geochemistry; Oceanography; Paleontology).
  • contact information for a reference.
  • transcript(s) (unofficial documents are acceptable).
  • at least two, 250-word limit essays (with an optional third essay), that explain the following;
    1. academic experiences that an applicant has found particularly valuable and enjoyable.
    2. the applicant's interest in attending an Earth & Environmental Sciences graduate program.
    3. (optional) the applicant's potential for success in graduate school that may not be reflected by the GPA or standardized test scores.

Deadline for application: The 2024 application is coming soon. 

You will be notified of your acceptance status via email. All students accepted will receive instructions on how to attend the virtual event.

Fee waiver – We will waive the application fee to the Rackham Graduate School for all students who are selected to participate in our ForALL Preview program.

Questions? – Contact