- All News
- Search News
- Tasho Kaletha Quoted in Quanta Magazine Article
- Department Hosts High School Math Competition
- LaRose Named Collegiate Lecturer
- Kriz Elected to the Learned Society of the Czech Republic
- Young Alumni Spotlight
- Graduate Student Robert Walker recognized at CAARMS Conference
- Fomin Receives Steele Prize
- Special Lecture on Statistics and Modeling
- Fintzen Awarded Dissertation Prize
- Anna Gilbert’s Project Funded by Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
- Neriman Tokcan Receives Michigan Precision Health Scholar Award
- Lagarias Named Distinguished University Professor
- Forger's Research on Math and Music Featured in SIAM Article
- Trachette Jackson Featured in Forbes Article
- Barvinok to Give Simons Lectures at MIT
- Undergraduates Amanda Burcroff and Noah McNeal receive Marshall Scholarships
- Michigan Reception at the 2019 Joint Mathematics Meetings
- Karen Smith elected to National Academy of Sciences
- Bhargav Bhatt named 2019 Simons Investigator
- Sergey Fomin receives Simons Fellowship
- DeBacker, Koch, and Zeytuncu named Faculty Outreach Fellows
- UM Quant Program student team wins IAQF competition
- Newest Mathematics Faculty Members
- Robert Megginson received the 2019 Distinguished Mentor Award
- Undergrad Ankita Mohapatra wins Honorable Mention for AWM Women in Math Essay Contest
- Alex Wright Named 2020 Sloan Fellow
- Dick Canary and Tasho Kaletha Awarded 2020 Simons Fellowships
- Robert Griess Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
- Forger Creates App to Address Sleep Issues Due to Social Distancing
- Sarah Koch receives Harold R. Johnson Diversity Service Award
- Gavin LaRose Receives 2020 Distinguished Service Award from the Michigan Section of the MAA.
- Research by Nellis, Bayraktar, and Cohen provides prediction model for pandemic lockdown outcomes.
- Smale and Rajapakse Explore Mathematics and Biology
- Jackson and Smith highlighted in AMS Notices article on History of Women in Mathematics
- Daniel Irvine and Jasmine Powell Named Outstanding Graduate Student Instructors
- Alumna Frances Allen, MS 1957, Turing Award recipient, passes away
- Bhargav Bhatt Receives New Horizons Prize
- Math Corps 2020 was a SUCCESS!
- Alumna Suzy Weekes named Executive Director of SIAM
- Math alum Paul Milgrom awarded Nobel Prize in Economics
- Trachette Jackson's Research Featured in LSA Magazine
- Graduate student Elizabeth Collins-Woodfin wins AWM poster competition
- Charlie Doering named a 2021 Simons Fellow
- Alex Wright Receives 2021 MCA Prize
- Alexander Perry Awarded Sloan Fellowship
- Sarah Koch Named Thurnau Professor
- Trachette Jackson Named 2021 SIAM Fellow
- Karen Smith Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Sarah Koch featured in LSA Magazine story about Basic Science
- Marjorie Lee Browne Scholars Program featured in statewide news article
- Charlie Doering, 1956-2021
- Wei Ho Featured in Scientific American
- Shravan Veerapaneni Awarded MICDE Catalyst Grant
- Vilma Mesa to receive the 2022 Louise Hay Award from AWM
- Asen Dontchev, June 1948 - September 2021
- Baik, Bhatt, Kaletha, and Pixton to Speak at ICM 2022
- Lydia Bieri elected Fellow of the American Physical Society
- Undergraduate Faye Jackson Awarded Runner Up for the Alice T. Schafer Prize
- Bhargav Bhatt Receives 2021 Clay Research Award
- Sophie Kriz Named Runner Up for Morgan Prize
- Charlotte Chan Receives Sloan Fellowship
- Trachette Jackson named Assistant Vice President for Research to lead DEI initiatives
- Undergraduates Faye Jackson and Jonah Nan receive Goldwater Scholarships
- Forger Researches Covid-19 Utilizing Wearable Device Data
- Sijue Wu Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- DeBacker Recognized for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education
- Megginson Participates in U.S. Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) Ceremony
- UM Mathematics PhD Alum June Huh Receives 2022 Fields Medal
- 2022 RMT Summer School Engaged Global Group of Grad Students and Postdocs
- Eugene Krause, 1937-2022
- Megginson Featured as Historic Fellow of the AAAS
- Lydia Bieri and Wei Ho Named Fellows of the American Mathematical Society
- 2023 AWM Schafer Prize Awarded to Undergraduate Student Faye Jackson
- U-M Researchers Leading Partnership Studying Mental Fatigue
- Undergraduate Henry Fleischmann wins the Churchill Scholarship
- Victoria Booth to Receive the J.D. Crawford Prize from the SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems
- Mattias Jonsson Receives Simons Fellowship in Mathematics
- Undergrad Dhruv Kulshreshtha wins the STEM Research Career Award
- Sixteen from Mathematics Named as Honored Instructors by Michigan Housing
- Mathematics Minki Lee Recipient of Goldwater Scholarship
- Actuarial Mathematics Student Margaret Mutch Featured in this Month's Center for the Education of Women+ Newsletter
- Liliana Borcea and Sergey Fomin Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Paul Kessenich Named Collegiate Lecturer, Honoring his Outstanding Contributions to Instruction
- Hanna Bennett Recognized for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education
- Sarah Koch Named a 2023 Recipient of the Haimo Award from the MAA
- G. Peter Scott, 1944-2023
- Alexander Barvinok's Paper Receives the 2023 FOCS Test of Time Award
- Sarah Peluse Receives Salem Prize
- Alum Faye Jackson Receives AMS-MAA-SIAM Morgan Prize
- Sarah Peluse Named Sloan Research Fellow
- Charlie Doering Memorial Tree Plaque Installed
- Alex Kapiamba Receives ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award
- Jeff Lagarias Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
- Fomin Named Distinguished University Professor
- Spatzier Named Collegiate Professor
- Milne Receives 2025 AMS Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition
- Douglas Houghton Scholars Program Highlighted on LSA Site
- Math Milestones
- Archived News
- All Events
The Douglas Houghton Scholars program has a feature story on the LSA website.