- Majors and Minors
- Departments and Units
- Courses
- LSA Degrees
- Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
- Bachelor in General Studies (B.G.S.)
- Multiple Dependent Degree Program (MDDP) & Concurrent Undergraduate-Graduate Studies (CUGS) Program
- Joint Degree in Liberal Arts and B.S. in Engineering
- Engineering: Bachelor of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology and Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
- Second Degree
- Non-Degree Status
- LSA Requirements
- LSA Academic Policies and Procedures
- LSA Commitment to Academic Freedom
- Dates and Deadlines
- Academic Integrity
- Engaged Learning
- Business
- What Will You Do with an LSA Degree?
This program is designed to enable students to develop a course of study that offers broader academic opportunities than those offered by either college. The program is intended for students who wish to develop a depth of understanding in the technical studies associated with the College of Engineering and in the physical and natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences in LSA. This integration of technical studies with the liberal arts is the primary strength of the program. It is open to students enrolled in Engineering or LSA and leads to concurrent bachelor's degrees from both colleges. It is intended primarily for students who enroll as first-year students in one of the two colleges.
The variety of courses that students may elect in the joint program makes it impractical to list specific requirements. Instead, each student should consult faculty members and academic advisors in each college to develop the best plan of study. Primary responsibility for planning the academic program and continuing contact with academic advisors in the two fields is assumed by the student, who also is responsible for becoming familiar with the academic policies and procedures of both colleges and the academic requirements and courses in both fields of the major.
It is usually possible for students carrying 16 credits a term to meet all requirements in 10 or 11 terms.
Administrative Regulations
- Students may initially enroll either in the College of Engineering or LSA.
- To be qualified for admission to the joint degree program, students are usually expected to have completed 30 credits of courses with an overall grade point average of at least 2.7. Entry of LSA students to some programs in Engineering may require a substantially higher grade point average.
- Students considering this program should discuss their plans with the program advisor associated with the college in which they are enrolled. Usually this contact should be made early in their sophomore year.
- Students must complete an application form indicating their program in each college. Applications are available from the Academic Advising Center, 1255 Angell Hall, (734.764.0332), or the College of Engineering's Registrar's Office, College of Engineering, 145A Chrysler Center, (734.647.7117).
- Once admitted to the program, each student continues to register in the college of initial enrollment. That college maintains the primary academic record.
- Students must consult the academic advisor for each major and secure approval for their class schedule according to the academic policies and procedures of each college.
- Students must maintain good academic standing in both colleges to continue in the joint degree program.
- Students in good academic standing who wish to withdraw from the program may complete a degree in either college. Students not in good academic standing are subject to the academic discipline of that college.
- Upon completion of the requirements of both colleges, students are granted concurrent degrees. By the beginning of the term in which graduation is anticipated, a diploma application must be filed with each college, and the academic advisor for each major (specialization) must provide appropriate notification that departmental requirements are satisfied.
Joint Degree Program Structure
Candidates for the combined Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) and liberal arts degree (A.B., B.S., B.S.Chem, or B.G.S.) must:
- complete one of the degree programs in the College of Engineering;
- complete a minimum of 90 credits of LSA courses;
- have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.
In addition, candidates for the joint degree in the Engineering Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) and the LSA Bachelor of Arts (A.B.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.), or Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (B.S.Chem) must complete the LSA degree requirements (the First-Year Writing Requirement, the Upper-Level Writing Requirement, the Race & Ethnicity Requirement, the Quantitative Reasoning Requirement, the Language Requirement, and an approved area distribution plan), and an approved LSA plan for the major.
Candidates for the joint Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) and Bachelor in General Studies (B.G.S.) degree must complete the LS&A First-Year Writing Requirement, the Upper-Level Writing Requirement, the Race & Ethnicity Requirement, the Quantitative Reasoning Requirement, and a minimum 40 credits of LSA courses at the 300 level or above with a GPA of at least 2.0. No more than 15 of these credits may be elected from any one subject.