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Race and Ethnicity (R&E) Requirement

At some point before graduation, students must receive credit for one course of at least three credits chosen from a list of Race and Ethnicity (R&E) courses offered each term in the LSA Course Guide. Credits transferred from another college or university do not meet the R&E Requirement except by successful petition to the LSA Office of Student Academic Affairs.  

These courses address issues arising from racial or ethnic intolerance and meet the following criteria:

Required content. All courses satisfying the requirement must provide discussion concerning:

  • the meaning of race, ethnicity, and racism;
  • racial and ethnic intolerance and resulting inequality as it occurs in the United States or elsewhere;
  • comparisons of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, social class, or gender.

Required focus. Every course satisfying the requirement must devote substantial, but not necessarily exclusive, attention to the required content. Although it is hoped that many of these courses will focus on the United States, it is not required that they do so. Courses that deal with these issues in other societies, or that study them comparatively, may also meet the requirement.

Credits used to satisfy the R&E requirement also may be used to satisfy other College requirements.