We combine field and laboratory work to understand the origin and evolution of Earth's crust, mantle and core and the chemical differentiation within and among each of those reservoirs. We also study the evolution of other planetary bodies such as Earth's moon and Mars.  Ongoing projects include the evolution of volcanic systems in subduction zone environments and hot spots, the chemical connections between the mantle and the volcanic arc in subduction zones, mantle mineralogy, the dynamics of core-mantle interaction, the volatile history of Earth's moon, the formation of mineral deposits associated with volcanic systems, and the evolution of the Martian mantle. 

Faculty Specialties Associated Laboratories and Research Groups
Robert Holder U–Pb geochronology/petrochronology, Metamorphism and its relationship to tectonics, Orogenesis, Secular changes in plate tectonics, High-temperature metamorphism and crustal melting, Laser-ablation ICP-MS, Chemical diffusion.

Robert Holder Research Group

UM Petrochronology Lab

Becky Lange Origin and transport of high-SiO2 rhyolite, timescales of phenocryst growth in erupted magma, evolution of continental crust, mineral-melt thermometers, oxybarometers, hygrometers, thermodynamic properties of silicate and carbonate liquids.  
Jackie Li Mineral physics, experimental geochemistry. Personal Website
Adam Simon Ore deposit formation, hydrothermal fluids, magmatic systems, sustainability, environmental mining footprints. Personal Website
Youxue Zhang Experimental petrology, lunar chemistry, geochemical kinetics, mantle geochemistry.