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Who Does What

Katie Brennan (she/her)

Administrative/Student Services Assistant

  • Provides administrative support for Smith Lecture, e.g. speaker travel
  • Coordinates with CTP to arrange visitor travel
  • Plans/coordinates events
  • Reserves classrooms and conference rooms
  • Supports undergrad program, including advising
  • Manages class registration, including overrides

Craig Delap (he/him)

Building Manager

  • Handles building scheduling
  • Serves as staff point-person for sustainability and carbon neutrality initiatives
  • With Camp Davis Assistant Director, manages Camp Davis facilities and safety
  • Alongside the chair and CA, coordinates space planning and utilization
  • Manages facilities renovation projects, including budgeting
  • Supports phones/networking
  • Manages furniture needs
  • Reviews ADA and fire safety compliance
  • Coordinates lab safety, including annual compliance

Dominic Elder (he/him)

Facilities Coordinator

  • Coordinates decommissions of labs
  • Manages proper disposal of hazardous waste as related to property disposition and lab decommissioning
  • Manages Building Incident Response Team (BIRT)● Serves as point-person for facilities tickets (i.e. TDX)
  • Handles Risk Management claims
  • Fields requests for building access/keys
  • Manages cleaning and maintenance in rock cutting room
  • Performs audits of classrooms, conference rooms, and restrooms
  • Handles shipping/receiving dock

Noah Goad (he/him)

Data and Communications Coordinator

  • Drafts and updates department communications via digital signage, posters, website, and social media
  • Manages department newsletter, including drafting and design
  • Updates department website
  • Designs building displays, annual reports, and strategic plans
  • Works with Halls & Walls Committee on displays throughout NUB
  • Liaises with other LSA and university communications departments (e.g., Michigan Photography)
  • Maintains print and digital assets (logos, photos, fliers, etc.)
  • Drafts/sends targeted email communications via Mailchimp

Courtney Hooper (she/her)

Chief Administrator

  • Provides strategic guidance regarding faculty affairs, student affairs, facilities, budget/finance, HR, or staff matters
  • Liaison for chair-related matters (e.g., initiatives that require chair support)
  • Reviews/approves PAF
  • Answers policy questions about both department and college/university policy
  • Coordinates with other offices to provide administrative support for research(e.g., hiring technicians, paying ninths)
  • Reviews and responds to requests for department funding (<$5k; requests for >$5k require chair review and approval)
  • Provides data on department programs, finances, and research
  • Liaises with academic and staff HR, Randall, Labor Relations, LSA Finance, and other central administration offices
  • Addresses complaints and problems

Carla Huhn (she/her)

Executive Coordinator

  • Maintains calendars for chair and CA
  • Faculty academic affairs (promotion/tenure, reviews, recruitment)
  • Meeting scheduling, preparation, support for chair and CA, Faculty Meetings, EC, and AAB, as well as special meetings (e.g., external review visit)
  • Department calendar and file management Chair/CA correspondence
  • Expenses and reimbursement support*
  • Supervision of front desk interns and Communications Coordinator
  • Backup to CA on office management

*Expense reports should be completed by either the employee or the SSC. Carla does not complete expense reports. But she can answer questions about them when needed.

Chris Malvica (he/him)

Camp Davis Assistant Director

  • Anything related to Camp Davis
  • Field trip or camping logistics
  • Field trip meal planning or food ordering
  • Fleet services vehicle use, reservations, or other questions
  • Dorr Dinner and other event hosting questions

Jenna Munson (she/her) (half-time)

Outreach Specialist

  • Anything related to Earth Camp
  • Work with faculty on the Broader Impacts portion of grants
  • Advise on outreach efforts

Nathan Sadowsky (he/him)

Academic Program Manager

  • Provides support for grad program (admissions/recruitment, funding, milestones, and concerns)
  • Reviews and processes GSI/GSRA/fellowship funding
  • Consults on class schedule
  • Provides curriculum management (what to offer when, ensures course offerings meet major/minor requirements, supports significant changes, e.g. launch of new minor)
  • In the above, partners with associate chairs
  • Liaison to Rackham and LSA for student academic affairs