Ang featured in recent Straits Times Article
Casey receives LGBT Caucus Award for the Best Paper
Charles Shipan analyzes politics of Scalia replacement
Chen quoted in New York Times article regarding the Midwest and the election
Chinnu receives Christopher Mooney Dissertation Award
Crosson receives Outstanding GSI Award
Grzymala-Busse featured in Washington Post on Poland's proposed abortion ban
Grzymala-Busse named 2016 Andrew Carnegie Fellow
Heaney on "Top 25 Books" list for 2015
Heaney selected as co-winner of APSA's Leon Epstein Outstanding Book Award
Hicken receives Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award
Hicken receives two APSA Awards
Hutchings elected President-Elect of the MPSA
Hutchings quoted in UnDark article regarding the current presidential election
Jones publishes article in The Washington Post's Monkey Cage
Koremenos' book awarded ISA International Law Section Best Book Award
Kruger honored with Robert Durr Award
LaVaque-Manty to serve as Director of LSA Honors Program
Markovits honored with Tronstein Award
Mary Gallagher weighs in on China's "red alert" days in The Wall Street Journal
Mebane featured in NPR article discussing concerns of upcoming election
Mika LaVaque-Manty appointed as Presidential Bicentennial Professor
Molly Reynolds receives Carl Albert Disseration Award
Noah Nathan receives Heinz I. Eulau Award
Pi Sigma Alpha Honor Society Now Accepting Applications
Rachel Potter receives multiple awards by APSA
Rob Mickey receives J. David Greenstone Prize
Saxonhouse wins APSA Best Paper Award
Seventeen APSA Awards to Celebrate within the Department
Stanford University Press releases 3rd-year graduate student's book
Tessler cowrote recent article for Monkey Cage discussing the topic of rigged elections
Tessler quoted in Huffington Post election article
Titiunik honored with Emerging Scholar Award
Traugott featured in recent Global News election article
Traugott interviewed by Fox News regarding the election
Tsebelis to join American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Valentino and Brader's paper quoted in Atlantic article
Wayne, Valentino, and Oceno cowrote Monkey Cage discussing how sexism drives support for Trump
Winners Announced for Grace Undergraduate Research Award
Zhukov receives Bruce Russett Award for Best Paper
Zhukov receives Eldersveld Award