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Non-LSA Units Offering Courses with Creative Expression

Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design

Art and Design (ARTDES)

110. Digital Studio I: Image
170. Drawing Studio I: Line
171. Printmaking for Non-Majors
172. Painting for Non-Majors
173. Digital Photography for Non-Majors
174. Watercolor for Non-Majors
175. Life Drawing for Non-Majors
176. Graphic Imaging for Non-Majors
177. Metals for Non-Majors
178. Animation for Non-Majors
179. Sculpture for Non-Majors
181. Clay for Non-Majors
182. Wood for Non-Majors
220. Tools, Materials, and Processes Studio III: Time
230. Concept Form and Context Studio III
231. Concept Form and Context Studio III

College of Engineering

University Arts (UARTS)

150. Introduction to the Creative Process (effective Winter 2015)
250. Interdiscipilnary Innovation and Creative Thinking

A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning

Architecture (ARCH)

201. Basic Drawing
202. Graphic Communication
218. Visual Studies

School of Music, Theatre & Dance

Dance (DANCE)

100. Introduction to Dance
261. Congolese Dance 1
262. Congolese Dance 1

Ensemble (ENS):

All Courses 100-399

Performance - Piano (PIANO)

110. Performance
111. Performance

Other courses

Courses (100-399) in Music Performance SUBJECTS other than Piano Performance may also be used for Creative Expression, but enrollment is restricted to students of advanced ability.