FTVM Grad Students to Present Papers at Console-ing Passions Conference
Katyi Lausch, Anne-Charlotte Mecklenburg, Josh Morrison, and Kaelie Thompson will be presenting their papers at the Console-ing Passions Conference at Notre Dame, June 16-18. Console-ing Passions was founded in 1989 by a group of feminist media scholars and artists looking to create a space to present work and foster scholarship on issues of television, culture, and identity, with an emphasis on gender and sexuality. The titles of our FTVM graduate students' papers follow: Doctoral Candidate Kayti Lausch, “‘A Safe Place to Be Entertained’: Race, Gender, Christianity, and Family Values on UP Tv:; FTVM Certificate Student Anne-Charlotte Mecklenburg, “‘I Believe in Rainbow Bondage Bear’: One Direction Fans Negotiate Celebrity Closeting”; Doctoral Candidate Josh Morrison, “KINKy TV: Showcase’s Permissive Canadian Queerness”; and Doctoral Student Kaelie Thompson, “The Scotland of Outlander: Why Women Love a Man in a Kilt."