Professor Rielle Navitsky (University of Georgia) Leads Professionalization Workshop for FTVM Graduate Students
On Thursday, February 11, 2021, Professor Rielle Navitsky (Associate Professor at the University of Georgia) led a graduate professionalization workshop on "how to turn conference papers into publication." She openly shared her experience as a graduate student at UC Berkeley, including some missteps, which nonetheless led her to publish essays in Screen and the Journal of Cinema and Media Studies (known then as Cinema Journal) before completing her Ph.D in 2014.
Professor Navitsky gave a remarkably insightful presentation, and her answers to FTVM graduate students' questions were rich of practical advice regarding choice of publishing venue, differences among periodicals, writing formats (seminar paper, conference talks, job talks, essays for periodicals vis-à-vis contributions to anthologies), short- and long-term publishing strategies, use of archival findings, including illustrations, etc. Publishing early, by her recounting, entails being familiar with different kinds of editorial knowledge that vary a great deal depending on individuals' personal background and entrepreneurial spirit as well as on advisors' willingness and ability to provide detailed forms of advice.