Hollis Griffin was interviewed by George Elkind of Detroit's LGBTQ+ newspaper Pride Source for his January 19, 2022 article, "The New Queer Cinema Movement Paved the Way for Today’s Mainstream LGBTQ+ Films. But at What Cost?" Gathering insight from both Professor Hollis Griffin and Director Todd Verow, Elkind traces the development of New Queer Cinema from its origin through its endpoint, questioning the role conventional, mainstream culture and commercialization played in its demise.
“At the end of the day, queer sexuality is fists and spit and overturning staid ideas about what bodies do, what identities do. You sacrifice something with a ‘Love, Simon.’ You sacrifice a more capacious understanding of the body’s relationship to the world, the body’s relationship to power, the body’s relationship to desire, when you stop at them holding hands on the Ferris wheel. You just do,” Griffin says. “And I’m not saying that there’s no place for it. But I’m saying that that can very conveniently become an endpoint in ways that are stultifying.”
-- Hollis Griffin