Honors Student Vincent Longo Selected to Present Paper at Visions Film Conference in Wilmington, North Carolina
Department of Film, Television, and Media Honors student Vincent Longo will be presenting versions of his paper “Around the World in The Lady from Shanghai: Transmedia Adaptation in the Work of Orson Welles” at the Visions Film Conference in Wilmington, North Carolina, on April 4 (one of only eight papers selected), for which he was selected to receive a full travel award. He will also be attending the international Society for Cinema and Media Studies Undergraduate Conference in Norman, Oklahoma, which will be held April 18-19. His paper explores the nontraditional aesthetic and narrative adaptation that took place between Welles’s 1946 Broadway musical Around the World and his archetypal noir film The Lady from Shanghai, which Welles made immediately after his ambitious Broadway show closed unexpectedly. This research is part of a longer honors project that Vincent is currently completing under the direction of Professor Matthew Solomon which makes extensive use of the Orson Welles collections in University of Michigan Library Special Collections. Vincent is scheduled to graduate later this year.
Congratulations, Vincent!