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Students must complete a total of 33 credit hours of coursework toward the doctoral degree. As per Rackham rules, they must complete at least 18 of those credit hours on the Ann Arbor campus. In the first year, students are strongly advised to take 9 hours of courses in each of the two initial terms; among them must be FTVM 601- Film, Television, and Media Theory and Method and FTVM 602 - Film, Television, and Media Historiography.

Required, core courses [to be offered once a year]:

FTVM 601: Film, Television, and Media Theory and Method

FTVM 602: Film, Television, and Media Historiography.

FTVM 604:  Prospectus Writing

Total: 9 credit hours required

Elective Courses:

FTVM 603: Seminar in Material Practices

: Advanced Digital StudiesSeminar

FTVM 617: Special Topics in Film

FTVM 618: Special Topics in Television

FTVM 619: Special Topics in Digital Media

FTVM 620: Seminar in Film or Electronic Digital Media and Culture (rotating topics)

FTVM 621: Seminar in the Theory and Practice of Documentary

FTVM 622:  Seminar in Transnational Film or Electronic/Digital Media(rotating topics)

FTVM 631:  Advanced Seminar in Theories of Film or Electronic/Digital Media (rotating topics)

FTVM 632:  Advanced Seminar in Film or Electronic/Digital Media History(rotating topics)

FTVM/AM CULT/DIGITAL/ENGLISH 658: Topics in Digital Studies

Total: 15 credit hours required
(at least one course must be taken in each area: film,television, and digital media)

Cognate Courses (taken outside of FTVM):

            Total: 9 credit hours required

Working with their advisor, students will develop a program of at least 3 additional seminars to take that will form an individualized and integrated study of film, television and digital media. At least one of these seminars must be relevant to one of the three core survey courses, and at least two should supplement/expand an area of interest pertinent to their proposed dissertation topic. These courses can be taken from any of the offerings of the Graduate School, including those in the Department of Film, Television, and Media. Students may gather information from various sources about potentially useful sets of courses, but they should make their selection in consultation with their advisor.



Students achieve candidacy by passing their comprehensive exams.