The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences prizes the diversity of its members, including faculty, staff, instructors, researchers/postdocs, and students.  The department recognizes that the depth and breadth of knowledge and experience these community members bring are what make EARTH a vital, vibrant place for learning, research, and innovation.  Collaboration across the unit affords us the opportunity to learn from each other, develop novel approaches, and advance our mission to promote education and scientific discovery of the entire Earth.  EARTH is committed to creating an environment that is safe, inclusive, and productive and thus the EARTH Code of Conduct defines expectations for participants in all EARTH-supported activities. 

All those involved in EARTH activities, whether formally a member of the EARTH community or not, are expected to adhere to the EARTH Code of Conduct.

Expected Behavior
  • Treat all participants and attendees with respect and consideration at all times.
  • Demonstrate the value of diversity of experience and ideas; listen to, acknowledge, and collaborate across differing viewpoints and approaches.
  • Critique ideas rather than people.
  • See something, say something: directly address or alert EARTH staff or leadership if you encounter behavior that violates this code. 
  • Remember that you represent EARTH whether on campus or elsewhere in professional activities.
Unacceptable Behavior
  • Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form.
  • Behavior or comments that demean on the basis of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, physical appearance, medical condition, body size, race/ethnicity, marital status or parental status, age, religion, socioeconomic background, political affiliation, national origin, educational attainment, or any dimension of identity.
  • Threats (implied or real) of physical, professional, or financial harm.
  • Intentional, uninvited physical contact of any form.
  • Behavior that is in violation of the established ethics policies of one's home institution, or of EARTH’s sponsoring organizations, including but not limited to the National Science Foundation, the US Geological Survey, professional societies, and the University of Michigan.
Consequences and Reporting

Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

If you are the subject of unacceptable behavior or have witnessed any such behavior, you can report it to the Department Chair or Associate Chairs, EARTH Executive Committee; the event organizer(s); the University of Michigan’s Equity, Civil Rights, and Title IX Office; and/or the Ombuds Office.  You may also anonymously report unacceptable behavior via the department’s Climate Reporting Form, which is forwarded to the Department Chair. 

In all cases of reported inappropriate behavior, retaliation for reporting is forbidden.  Incidents of retaliation may be reported through the same channels as unacceptable behavior. EARTH will support investigations and sanctions from incidents that violate this code of conduct in keeping with the standards and policies of the University of Michigan. The University Standard Practice Guide Policy on Discrimination and Harassment describes the reporting procedures and corrective actions that apply to faculty and staff. Additional guidance for disciplinary action as applied to staff not represented by a bargaining unit and to faculty are available. In the case of students, the Office of Student Conflict Resolution describes student rights and responsibilities and outlines the resolution process and the sanctions levied.

If you experience or witness behavior that constitutes an immediate or serious threat to public safety, call 911 immediately. Take actions necessary to maintain your own personal safety first.