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Department Chairs

Developing a complete and accurate timeline of department chairs is more challenging than one might think. The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences is the result of departments merging, splitting, and merging again. The department has also worn several names during the last century. Finally, prior to the twentieth century, the department structure we are familiar with was not common. For significant periods of time in the University's early years, an entire field would be represented by a single Professor.

The information presented here has been compiled from various records and department histories. It is very much an incomplete work in progress, and we welcome corrections or comments.


Chair Dept. Name Start End
Julia Cole Earth and Environmental Sciences 2023 Present
Marin Clark Earth and Environmental Sciences 2018 2023
Christopher Poulsen Earth and Environmental Sciences 2014 2018
Rebecca Lange Geological Sciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences 2010 2014
Samuel Mukasa Geological Sciences 2007 2010
Joel Blum (acting) Geological Sciences 2005 2005
Rodney Ewing Geological Sciences 2005 2007
Joel Blum Geological Sciences 2000 2005
David Rea Geological Sciences 1995 2000
Rob van der Voo Geological Sciences 1991 1995
Henry Pollack Geological Sciences 1988 1991
Rob van der Voo Geological Sciences 1981 1988
William Kelly Geology and Mineralogy, Geological Sciences 1978 1981
Donald F. Eschman (acting) Geology and Mineralogy 1977 1978
Charles I. Smith Geology and Mineralogy 1972 1977
John A. Dorr Geology and Mineralogy 1967 1972
Donald F. Eschman Geology and Mineralogy 1962 1967
Departments of Geology and Mineralogy Merged, 1961
Chair Dept Name Start End
James L. Wilson Geology 1956 1962
Edwin N. Goddard Geology 1951 1956
Kenneth K. Landes Geology 1940 1951
Irving D. Scott (acting) Geology 1939 1940
Ermine Cowles Case Geology 1933 1939
William Herbert Hobbs Geology and Geography, Geology 1908 1933
Chair Dept Name Start End
Lewis S. Ramsdell Mineralogy 1952 1962
Walter F. Hunt Mineralogy 1933 1952
Edward H. Kraus Mineralogy 1908 1933
Chair Dept Name Start End
John Nystuen Geography 1979 1982
Donald R. Deskins Geography 1974 1979
Lee A. Peter Gosling Geography 1971 1974
Melvin G. H. Marcus Geography 1968 1971
Lee A. Peter Gosling Geography 1966 1968
Charles Moler Davis Geography 1956 1966
Kenneth Charles Murray Geography 1923 1956
Geology and Geography Separated, 1923
Geology Becomes Geology and Geography, 1916
Geology and Mineralogy Separated, 1908
Chair Dept Name Start End
William Herbert Hobbs Geology and Mineralogy 1907 1908