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The Biophysics Program has over 150 core and affiliated faculty, research fellows, graduate and undergraduate students, research scientists, lecturers, and staff.  Explore the directory categories at the left to learn more.

Furyal Ahmed
Doctoral Student - Brooks Group
Roman Alvarado
Doctoral Student - Meiners Group
Grace Arhin
Doctoral Student - Keane Group
Daniel Axelrod
Research Scientist Emeritus
Yousef Bagheri
Postdoctoral Fellow - Veatch Lab
Julie Biteen
Janine Maddock Collegiate Professor of Chemistry and of Biophysics
2533 Chemistry 734.647.1135
Charles L. Brooks III
Director of Biophysics; Cyrus Levinthal Distinguished University Professor of Chemistry and Biophysics; Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Biophysics
4028c Chemistry
2006a Chemistry
Dawen Cai
Crosby-Kahn Collegiate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology and Biophysics
NCRC B25-1688
2800 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor MI 48109
734-763-7336 (lab) 734-764-2017 (office)
Zhan Chen
Professor of Biophysics, Chemistry, and Macromolecular Science and Engineering
4809 Chemistry 734-615-4189
Stanislav Cherepanov
Doctoral Student - Brooks Group
CHEM 2006
Michael Cianfrocco
Research Associate Professor, Life Sciences Institute; Associate Professor of Biological Chemistry and Biophysics
Rm. 3163 LSI 734-647-2195
Tomasz Cierpicki
Assistant Professor of Pathology and Assistant Professor of Biophysics
1150 W. Medical Center Drive
Jesse Cisneros Solis
Doctoral Student - Verhey Group
Adam Decker
Doctoral Student - Veatch Group
Patrick DeLear
Doctoral Student - Sept Group
Marlis Denk-Lobnig
Postdoctoral Fellow - Wood Group
Rebecca Dieker
Events & Communications Coordinator
4028B Chemistry 734-647-0123
Sean Fancher
Postdoctoral Fellow - Horowitz Group
Martin Fernandez
Doctoral Student - Mosalaganti Group
Alex Franklin
Biophysics Manager
4028A Chemistry 734-763-9681
Ari Gafni
Professor Emeritus, Biophysics and Biological Chemistry, Research Professor Institute of Gerontology
3204 Chemistry 734-615-1964
Sara Grosky
Student Services Admin
4028F Chemistry 734-763-6722
Idse Heemskerk
Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, Medical School; Assistant Professor of Physics and Biophysics
Damon Hoff
SMART Center Manager
3080 Chemistry 734-615-2060
Jordan Horowitz
Associate Professor of Biophysics and Complex Systems
4204 Chemistry
Zhijian Hu
Doctoral Student - Wood Group
Ishika Ishika
Doctoral Student - Biteen Group
Magda Ivanova
Research Associate Professor and Lecturer I, Biophysics
Minjun Jin
Doctoral Student - Yang Group
Ajit Joglekar
Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, Medical School, Assistant Professor of Biophysics
3067 BSRB 734-764-2474
Usha Kadiyala
Doctoral Student - Yang Group
Kipchumba Kaitany
Postdoctoral Fellow - Koutmos Group
Chia-Yu Kang
Doctoral Student - Stockbridge Group
Sarah Keane
Assistant Professor of Biophysics and Chemistry
4022 Chemistry 734-763-2332
Christian Kelley
Doctoral Student - Wood & Rajapakse Groups
Markos Koutmos
Seyhan N Ege Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Assistant Professor of Biophysics
3821 Chemistry 936-2678
Samuel Krimm
Research Scientist (Emeritus)
3303 Chemistry 734-763-8081
Thanh Lai
Doctoral Student - Brooks Group
Nicolai Lehnert
Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Biophysics
2807 Chemistry 734.615.3673
Yihua Li
Graduate Student - Smith & Ohi Groups
Allen Liu
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Associate Professor of Biophysics
2674 GGB (George G. Brown Laboratory)
2350 Hayward
Yaping Liu
Postdoctoral Fellow - Keane Group
David Lubensky
Professor of Physics and Professor of Biophysics
326 West Hall 734-936-1540
Jan Malaikal
Chief Administrator
Gembu Maryu
Research Lab Specialist - Yang Lab
Anna Maurer
Assistant Professor of Biophysics
4024 Chemistry
Eilidh McClain
Doctoral Student - Sension & Penner-Hahn Groups
Jens-Christian Meiners
Professor of Physics and Biophysics
4214 Randall 734-763-9139
Liz Michalski
Executive Coordinator
CHEM 4028E 7347641146
Jacob Moran
Postdoctoral Fellow - Wood Group
3435 LSI
210 Washtenaw Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2216
(734) 647-5557
Uchenna Nwaege
Doctoral Student - Wood Group
Martin O'Steen
Postdoctoral Fellow - Keane Group
Lina Peña
Doctoral Student - Joglekar Group
James E. Penner-Hahn
George A Lindsay Collegiate Professor of Chemistry and Biophysics
4020 Chemistry 734-764-7324
Autumn Pilarski
Doctoral Student - Scott Group
A. Rams Ramamoorthy
Professor Emeritus; Robert W Parry Collegiate Professor of Chemistry and Biophysics
4024 Chemistry 734-647-6752
Nat Rogers
Doctoral Student - Veatch Group
Emily E. Scott
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Professor Biophysics
Medicinal Chemistry
2020 Pharm
phone: 734-764-3530

2301 MSRB II
2214 Lurie Biomedical Engineering
1101 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2110
(734) 615-9587
Janet Smith
Margaret J. Hunter Collegiate Professor of Life Sciences and Professor of Biological Chemistry
Alan Smrcka
Professor of Pharmacology, Medical School and Professor of Biophysics
5560C MSRB II 734-615-4945
Randy Stockbridge
Associate Professor of Biophysics and Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology
3242 BSB 734-764-3631
Andrea Stoddard
Research Lab Specialist - Ramamoorthy & Veatch
Jeanne Stuckey
Professor, Life Sciences Institute; Research Professor, Biological Chemistry; Professor, Biophysics
Rm. 33583 LSI 734-647-7532
Emily Sumrall
Doctoral Student - Walter Group
Scott Swanson
Research Assistant Professor, Radiology and Adjunct Lecturer, Biophysics
3208A Med Sci I 734-936-3121
Terra Sztain
Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Biophysics
Franco Tavella
Doctoral Student - Yang Group
Sarah Veatch
Associate Director of Graduate Studies, Professor of Biophysics and Physics
3038 Chemistry 734-615-2099
Anthony Vecchiarelli
Assistant Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology and Assistant Professor of Biophysics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Biological Sciences Building
Lab 5250 / Office 5260
1105 North University Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1085
Kristen Verhey
A Kent Christensen Collegiate Professor, Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology and Professor of Biophysics
3041 BSRB
109 Zina Pitcher Place
Nils G. Walter
Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Biophysics
2405 Chemistry 734-615-2060
Megan Westwood
Doctoral Student - Keane Group
Kevin Wood
Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor of Biophysics and Physics
Not currently accepting students.
Chenbo Yan
Doctoral Student - Sept Group
Qiong Yang
Associate Professor of Biophysics and Physics
3301 Chemistry 734-764-4669
Trevor Yeh
Doctoral Student - Stockbridge Group
Liam Yourston
Doctoral Student - Yang Group
Robert Zand
Professor of Biological Chemistry and of Macromolecular Science & Engineering
Michal Zochowski
Professor of Physics and Biophysics
259 West Hall 734-615-7311 / 734-647-5552
Jiameng Zong
Doctoral Student - Mosalaganti Group