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The Diversity Committee includes faculty, staff, and graduate students from the Department of Psychology. The Chair of the Diversity Committee is Kevin Cokley (Fall 2024).
Department of Psychology : Diversity Committee Members
Fatmeh Baidoun
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Women's and Gender Studies and Personality & Social Contexts
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Women's and Gender Studies and Personality & Social Contexts
3031 East Hall
Jacinta C. Beehner
Professor of Psychology and Anthropology
Director of the University of Michigan Gelada Research Project; Director of the Capuchins at Taboga Project; Director of the Beehner Endocrine Laboratory; Director of the Evolution and Human Adaptations Program
Professor of Psychology and Anthropology
Director of the University of Michigan Gelada Research Project; Director of the Capuchins at Taboga Project; Director of the Beehner Endocrine Laboratory; Director of the Evolution and Human Adaptations Program
4052 East Hall
530 Church St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043
530 Church St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043
Rona Carter
Joint Program in Social Work and Psychology Area Chair; Associate Professor of Psychology
Joint Program in Social Work and Psychology Area Chair; Associate Professor of Psychology
Kevin Cokley
Associate Chair for Diversity Initiatives & Space Management; University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology
Associate Chair for Diversity Initiatives & Space Management; University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology
3052 East Hall
3031 East Hall
School of Education 1400-F
2221 East Hall
3245 East Hall
2032 East Hall