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Omar Ahmed
Associate Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience & Biomedical Engineering
4040 East Hall 734.764.3853
J. Wayne Aldridge
Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Neurosurgery
2050 East Hall 734.764.6567
Brandon Aragona
Associate Professor of Psychology
1267 East Hall 734.615.7160
Kaiser Arndt
Research Fellow working with Omar Ahmed
East Hall 4333
Cassandra Avila
Research Fellow working with Omar Ahmed
4252B East Hall
Jill B. Becker
Patricia Y. Gurin Collegiate Professor of Psychology
4048 East Hall 734.763.4363
Jacinta C. Beehner
Professor of Psychology and Anthropology
Director of the University of Michigan Gelada Research Project; Director of the Capuchins at Taboga Project; Director of the Beehner Endocrine Laboratory; Director of the Evolution and Human Adaptations Program
4052 East Hall
530 Church St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043
Thore Bergman
Biopsychology Area Chair
Professor, Psychology and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
4054 East Hall 734.615.3744
Kent Berridge
James Olds Distinguished University Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
4014 East Hall 734.763.4365
Rachel Blood
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
4470 East Hall
Henry Buchtel
Associate Professor Emeritus, Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology
Neuropsychology Section
2101 Commonwealth Blvd. Ste. C
Alternate Phone: 734.763.9259
Hanna Carmon
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
3024 East Hall
Leah Conrad
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
3024 East Hall
Aaron Crane
Research Technician Associate in the Eban-Rothschild Lab
Amelia Cuarenta
Assistant Professor of Psychology, starting 8/25/25
Ben Dantzer
Professor of Psychology and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
4038 East Hall 734.615.2352
Eryn Donovan
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
4470 East Hall
Ada Eban-Rothschild
Assistant Professor of Psychology
4067 East Hall 734.647.2659
Tyler Ekins
Research Fellow working with Omar Ahmed
Tony Estrella
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
4470 East Hall
Carrie Ferrario
Associate Professor of Pharmacology;
Associate Professor of Psychology (By Courtesy)
Shelly Flagel
Professor of Psychiatry; Research Professor in Michigan Neuroscience Institute; Professor of Psychology (By Courtesy)
109 Zina Pitcher Place, Room 2003 734.936.2033
Ivette Gonzalez
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
4470 East Hall
Daniel Green
Professor Emeritus of Physiological Optics, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Medical School, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Professor Emeritus of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering and Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Nicki Guisneuf
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
4470 East Hall
Warren Holmes
Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Sameer Kailasa
Research Fellow working with Omar Ahmed
Tyler Kudlak
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
2233 East Hall
Mekhala Kumar
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
4470 East Hall
Joonyeup Lee
Research Fellow working with Gideon Rothschild
Theresa Lee
Professor Emerita of Psychology and Neuroscience; Research Professor Emerita, Reproductive Sciences Program
Alex Lekander
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
2264 East Hall
Noah Leonardo
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
2264 East Hall

1048 Michigan Neuroscience Institute
Mayte Martínez
Research Fellow working with Alex Rosati
David Moody
Professor Emeritus of Psychology; Research Professor Emeritus, Kresge Hearing Research Institute
Rosa Muñoz
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
2233 East Hall
Jennifer Murray
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
4470 East Hall
Randolph Nesse
Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Psychiatry; Research Professor Emeritus, RCGD
Pavlo Popov
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
4470 East Hall
Dr. Arpit Kumar Pradhan
Research Fellow working with Ada Eban-Rothschild
4303 East Hall
Terry Robinson
Elliot S. Valenstein Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Neuroscience
4024 East Hall 734.763.4361
Alexandra Rosati
Associate Professor of Psychology and Anthropology
4046 East Hall 734.647.2662
Gideon Rothschild
Assistant Professor of Psychology
4030 East Hall 734.647.3114
Martin Sarter
Charles M. Butter Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Psychology
Kristen Schuh
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
3024 East Hall
Rachel Schulz
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
4470 East Hall
Kristina O. Smiley
Assistant Professor of Psychology
4024 East Hall 734.647.7881
Barbara Smuts
Professor Emerita of Psychology
3050 East Hall
Walker Stanton
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
2245 East Hall
Natalie Tronson
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies
Associate Professor of Psychology
4032 East Hall 734.936.1495
Su Wang
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
4470 East Hall
John Williams Soriano
Graduate Student; Biopsychology
4470 East Hall