Explore the world while staying on track for graduation! No matter your major, from business to engineering to the arts, find programs that are tailored to your studies, ensuring you gain international experience without compromising your academic progress. Step into an unforgettable global experience that engages your studies!
Use the buttons below to find your major/minor:
These pages can also be used for double majors or minors
Looking to fulfill a distribution credit?
Review our Fulfilling Specific Requirements Abroad Guide for more information.
Not an LSA student?
Different colleges have different requirements and policies when it comes going abroad.
Don't see your major/minor listed here?
Connect with your major/minor advisor to discuss which credits you may take abroad and determine whether the programs you are interested in can help fulfill major or minor requirements.
Departments: If your department is interested in being represented, please reach out to cgis@umich.edu and let us know!