The Math Department encourages students to pursue opportunities abroad. As a math major/minor, an excellent range of international options, including cultural immersion, summer fieldwork, intensive language training, and independent study programs, are available to you!
Can I fulfill requirements abroad?
Many math majors often use study abroad course work to complete their elective requirements, such as language and distribution requirements, abroad. Students can also earn math major/minor credit with some pre-planning. All coursework must be approved by your academic department and/or advisor.
Please note that all LSA students receive in-residence credits when studying abroad through CGIS.
Pre-Approved Courses for Math:
Students may check their course equivalency site. It is recommend students go to "advanced search options for institutions" and search by country or city as some universities are listed in an abbreviated format.
Process for approval:
The Math Department has created a list of pre-approved courses from various programs for your reference. If a course is not on the pre-approved database, students can request that a course be evaluated through the database website linked above.
Questions? Contact
Funding opportunities: The LSA Study Abroad Scholarship is available to all eligible LSA students. Financial aid and scholarships are also available for many programs!
Next Steps:
Learn more about studying abroad through CGIS at a First Step Session and drop in during Peer Advisor Hours for one-on-one guidance from a CGIS alum
Meet with your math advisor about courses abroad
Explore identity resources
Schedule an appointment with a CGIS advisor to ask about the application process, program curriculums, navigating your identity, navigating through a specific country, and so much more!
Check out the following regions for programs that may interest math majors or minors: