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SPECIAL ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Ralph Baldwin Prize in Astrophysics and Space Sciences<br>Lonely Massive Stars</br>

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      16. Astronomy Colloquium
        1. <b>ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM</b><br>Tracing the Cosmic Shutdown of Star Formation in Massive Galaxies
        2. <b>ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM</b><br>The Effects of Magnetic Field Morphology on the Determination of Oxygen and Iron Abundances in the Solar Photosphere
        3. <b>ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM</b><br>Star Formation Across Space
        4. <b>ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM</b><br>Lonely Galaxies: The Baryon Content of Isolated Dwarf Galaxies
        5. <b>ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM</b><br>Choose Your Own Adventure: Multiplicity of Planets Among the Smallest Stars
        6. <b>ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM</b><br>Why the Invisible Reservoir of Gas Around Galaxies Counts in Galaxy Evolution
        7. <b>ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM</b><br>A Galaxy-Scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole
        9. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Better Living Through Computation: Exploring the First Generations of Galaxies with Large-Scale Simulations
        10. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>The Search for Earth 2.0
        11. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>The Fast and Furious Lives of High Velocity Clouds
        12. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Supernovae as Drivers of Dust Evolution in Galaxies
        13. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>How to Measure the Composition of Planet-Forming Material
        14. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Direct Imaging of Extrasolar Planets and the Gemini Planet Imager
        15. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Blowing in the Quasar Wind: Feedback from Black Hole Outflows in Major Galaxy Mergers
        16. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Magellan/MDM Colloquium: Department Members Share Their Current Work Using Magellan/MDM Observatories
        17. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>The Fisk-Vanderbilt Masters-to-PhD Bridge Program: A Model for Increasing Diversity at the PhD Level in Physics & Astronomy
        18. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Science, Symphony, and the Northern Lights
        19. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Observing the Formation of Planetary Diversity
        20. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics: Empirical Constraints on Theories of Planet Formation
        21. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Black People in Astronomy: Why So Few?
        22. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM <br> Hot on the Trail of Warm Planets Orbiting Cool Stars
        23. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Galaxy Clusters as Cosmological and Astrophysical Probes
        24. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM <br> Discovery of a Thorne-Zytkow Object Candidate in The Small Magellanic Cloud
        25. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Where's the Matter? (Tales from the Milky Way's Destructive Past)
        26. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Measuring the Mass-Radius Relation of Neutron Stars
        27. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM <br> Accretion Disk Outbursts: MHD Simulations (Finally) Confront Reality
        28. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM <br> The Observability of Recoiling Black Holes as Offset Quasars
        29. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Black Hole Masses in Active Galaxies
        30. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Using Multiwavelength Variability Studies to Probe the Disk-Jet Connection of Fermi Blazars
        31. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>X-ray Reverberation Mapping in AGN
        32. 3rd Annual Astronomy Undergraduate Poster Session
        33. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>High-Energy-Density Astrophysics in the Laboratory
        34. SPECIAL ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Ralph Baldwin Prize in Astrophysics and Space Sciences<br>Lonely Massive Stars</br>
        35. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Live Fast Die Young: The Evolution of Massive Stars towards their Death</br>
        36. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Watching a Little Gas Cloud on its Way into the Galactic Supermassive Black Hole
        37. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Dwarf Galaxies as Cosmological Probes
        38. SPECIAL ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>The Magellan and MDM Observatories / Michigan Astronomy
        39. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Seeing Worlds in Grains of Sand
        40. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Mohler Prize Lecture<br>Lighting up the Universe: Witnessing Cosmic Dawn</br>
        41. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>The ALFALFA Census of Gas-Bearing Galaxies at z=0</br>
        42. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Accretion Disk Outbursts: MHD Simulations (Finally) Confront Reality
        43. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>3D Spectroscopy of Giant H II Regions in Nearby Spiral Galaxies</br>
        44. ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Star Clusters and High Mass X-Ray Binaries in Nearby Spirals, Mergers, and Starburst Galaxies
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Wednesday, April 16, 2014
4:00 AM
University of Michigan Alumni Center
200 Fletcher Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Most stars form in groups or clusters. In fact, some astronomers predict that stars more than 20 times the mass of our sun may only form in clusters, alongside hundreds or thousands of other stars. Yet surveys of massive stars find that a quarter of them exist in isolation. Could these stars be forming all alone? Or are they being separated from their birth clusters? To answer these questions, we took a complete census of isolated massive stars in one of our closest neighboring galaxies, the Small Magellanic Cloud. The demographics of this "field star" population reveal key clues about their origin.

Map location of the U-M Alumni Center.

The Ralph B. Baldwin Prize in Astrophysics and Space Sciences

The Ralph B. Baldwin Prize in Astrophysics and Space Sciences is an award sponsored by a generous gift to the University by Dr. Ralph B. Baldwin. Applicants must show original and significant contributions to their field as measured in their scholarly publications.

Student applications are selected from the fields of Astronomy, Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Science; Chemistry; Physics; Geology; and Mathematics as they pertain to space, its bodies, and relevant physical processes. The prize is awarded annually to a student who has received a University of Michigan Ph.D. during the previous year. A faculty committee comprised of representatives from the appropriate departments judges the packages submitted on the basis of the excellence of their research activities revealed in the student's thesis and publications during their career.

The 2014 Ralph Baldwin Prize is awarded to Dr. Joel Lamb, who received his Ph.D. in Astronomy & Astrophysics from U-M in 2012.

Astronomy Colloquia listings for Winter 2014.

Dr. Joel Lamb