Rackham Graduate School Doctoral Program Statistics
View this workbook to find more about the Physics graduate program student demographics, admissions, enrollment, funding, milestones, completion rates, and career outcomes.
APS “How does your institution compare?” tool
Use this tool to see how the UM Physics Department compares nationally for both bachelors and doctoral degrees. This tool combines demographics from both the Physics and Applied Physics graduate programs.
We fully recognize that our current gender and racial demographics are influenced by and reflect historical inequities both inside and outside our physics community. While our demographics are comparable to or slightly more equalized than that of the general physics community, we are still far from our goal. To this end, we are constantly working towards making our physics community more accessible, equitable, and inclusive. See our Physics DEI webpage for more information about some of these initiatives.
The above data set categories are influenced by U.S. Census categories. As a result, many marginalized groups are unaccounted for in these data sets. This lack of recognition does not reflect the views of the department as we strive to fully recognize and support all members of our community. Additionally, the definition of underrepresented minorities (URM) is not specified in the Rackham data set, but includes historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in higher education.†
† “Underrepresented minorities” (URM) category: African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians/Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders (excluding Asian Americans), and multi-racial (i.e. “two or more races”) students identifying at least one of previously listed URM categories.