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Donald Hall Collection

Donald Hall and Robert Shaye and the Donald Hall Collection

The DHC is named for the renowned poet and author, Donald Hall, who taught at Michigan from 1957 to 1975 and it honors the noted professor who greatly influenced Mr. Shaye during his undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan.


The DHC contains thousands of screenplays, DVDs, videotapes, and laserdiscs. While the DHC's media collection is only available for checkout by FTVM faculty and graduate students, screenplays are available for university-wide checkout, and viewing stations are available for patrons who wish to screen films for academic assignments or personal pleasure.


Contact Us:

Donald Hall Collection 
Phil Hallman, Librarian
Fred Beldin, DHC Collection Associate 
Library phone: (734) 615-9065



Monday - Thursday: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM 
Or by appointment via email (