Somewhere West (2011)
David Marek
Somewhere West is a visually breathtaking road-film that explores the human spirit with emotional breadth and quiet subtlety. After battling a terminal illness, Ian decides to forgo treatment and head West in search of solitude and a beautiful place to spend his final days. However, despite his best efforts to isolate himself, Ian becomes the center of a makeshift family of kind-hearted characters who help him in the redemptive process of letting go, opening his heart and finally reaching his undetermined destination. Somewhere West is a journey of forgiveness and friendship that travels 3000 miles across some of the most revelatory landscapes in the US, including: Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, The Badlands, Black Hills, Devils Tower, Yellowstone, The Great Salt Lake and Bonneville Salt Flats. Winner of 8 Best Feature Film Awards, along with 6 other Awards, and 28 additional Nominations, Somewhere West has been invited to 18 Festivals in 3 countries.