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Department of Film, Television, and Media Honors Screening

Tuesday, April 21, 2015
4:00 AM
Michigan Theater Screening Room

A Sense of Sound by Jeremy Borison

A Sense of Sound follows the story of Robert Schamen as he faces a medical condition of musical hallucinations.  When Robert realizes his hallucinations consist of original music, he sets out to complete his new symphony.  Pitted against his family's concern for his health, Robert must face the issue of balancing the parts of his life he holds most dear.

First Date by Julia Braid

In space, peace talks between two species get disrupted by a blossoming romance.

Co-Education by William O'Donnell and Anna Baumgarten

After being expelled from their public school for wheeling and dealing test answers, troublemaking twins Bella and Chris wreak havoc upon their new homes: same-sex, Catholic boarding schools.  Co-Education is a TV Pilot.