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Career Talk with Director and Producer Zack Arnold (FTVM '02 alumnus)

Monday, September 8, 2014
4:00 AM
Modern Languages Building Lecture Room 2

Are you interested in a career as a film/television editor?  Have you thought about trying to "make it" in Hollywood but don't think you have the "right" connections?  Join SAC for a session and Q & A with SAC '02 alumnus Zack Arnold.

Are you interested in a career as a film/television editor?  Have you thought about trying to "make it" in Hollywood but don't think you have the "right" connections?  Join SAC for a session and Q & A with SAC alumnus Zack Arnold.

Zack Arnold is a 2002 Screen Arts & Cultures graduate (formerly Film & Video Studies) who has lived and worked in Hollywood as a film editor and director for the last twelve years. He has edited feature films, network and cable television series, theatrical trailers and television advertising, documentaries, and DVD bonus content.  And he recently completed his documentary directorial debut GO FAR: The Christopher Rush Story. His other credits include:

  • 4 years on the USA Network series Burn Notice
  • The ABC series Black Box
  • The FOX series Glee 
  • Feature films for Fox Searchlight, Warner Premiere, Magnolia Pictures, as well as true indies
  • Marketing for films such as The Departed, Live Free or Die Hard, Dreamgirls, Run Lola Run, and he edited the entire theatrical and TV campaigns for The Passion of the Christ.
  • Winner of the 2003 Golden Trailer Award for Northfork, as well as five other nominations for various trailers such as The Machinist, Monster, and The Woodsman.
    Winner of multiple awards for the Sony Entertainment web series The Bannen Way.
    Edited the blockbuster action/adventure film My Lucky Star, a #1 smash in….China. And spoken 100% in Mandarin (with some Cantonese).

Zack grew up on a cattle farm in northern Wisconsin, so needless to say, his success had nothing to do with the old adage “It’s all about who you know.” He moved out to Los Angeles 6 days after graduation with nothing more in his 1997 Pontiac Sunfire than clothes, a TV, and some plates & silverware. He started with zero contacts in the film industry and worked his way up from the bottom. So it can be done. And he’ll tell you how.
