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Student Networking and Career Opportunities

Departmental Professional Development Opportunities

Throughout the year, students are encouraged to meet and talk with our weekly Smith Lecture series speaker over lunch or in one-on-one meetings to expand their network and obtain outside perspectives on their professional goals. 

Alumni Networking Opportunities

We have close relationships with our departmental alumni, especially those on our Alumni Advisory Board (AAB). During the annual AAB meetings, the alumni run networking events for students to discuss careers and professional opportunities. Additionally, we recommend checking out several campus alumni networking portals:

Become a licensed geologist

Information on the process can be found on the Association of State Boards of Geology website.

Graduate and Professional Career Panels/Workshops

The Career Events Committee led by graduate students has been actively involved in the organization of professional development events. In addition, this grad student group has been organizing and promoting biweekly career panels based on the professional aspirations of the current students in the department.