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Transfer Students

Welcome to University of Michigan!

We recognize the transition to a new institution can be confusing and overwhelming, so we highly recommend meeting with an advisor as early as possible to understand the department's policies pertaining to transfer credits and major requirements.

Comm and Media Major Requirements at the University of Michigan

Comm 101 Can transfer up to 4 credits
Comm 102 Can transfer up to 4 credits
Once Comm 101 and 102 are complete you can declare the major! 
Communication in Action Must be taken at UM

(25) Additional Advanced Comm Credits 

  • (6) must be 400 level

Can transfer up to 10 credits. 

Of these 10 credits, no more than 12 can be used at the 200 level.

Submitting your courses for evaluation:

Comm courses typically appear as "departmental" on a transfer student's transcript (i.e. COMM 101X Departmental or SPEECH 101X Departmental, etc.)

If you want to use courses towards your Communication and Media major requirement/prerequisites, submit for evaluation using the department's Transfer Credits Approval Form. The Student Services Manager will evaluate the course's equivalence and you will be notified via email if it has been approved, denied, or if more information is needed. 

Please submit one form per course. A syllabus is required for eachMore information on transfer credit evaluation can be found on our Transfer Credit page.