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Prospective Students

The Ph.D. program in Communication and Media at the University of Michigan is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the structure, processes and impact of media and communication worldwide. Students are introduced to a variety of theoretical frameworks and research methods from a wide range of disciplines across the social sciences and the humanities. The program provides advanced knowledge of the latest research and theory in the field, an understanding of the major analytical approaches to media and communication studies, along with opportunities to do original and collaborative research beginning in the very first year of the program.  In addition to providing a foundation in media and communication studies, the program permits a highly individualized program of study tailored to fit the student’s needs and interests. 

While some faculty take quantitative social science approaches to the study of media and communication, others take humanistic, qualitative, and critical-cultural approaches to studying media, culture and society. Overall, faculty and graduate students’ research and teaching interests are organized around five broad,  interconnected areas:

  • Critical Media Studies
  • Media Psychology
  • Political Communication
  • Computer Mediated Communication
  • Global and Comparative Media

We encourage you to learn more about what our department and graduate program can offer you by exploring our website.