Welcome and thank you for your interest in working as a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) in the Department of Communication and Media.
A Departmental GSI Selection Committee is responsible for making final selections for all open GSI positions within the department. Committee members include the Associate Chair of the Doctoral Program, the Student Services Manager, and the Graduate Program Coordinator.
Doctoral students in Communication and Media receive priority consideration for open GSI positions although the Department may hire students from a variety of programs across the College and University. Graduate students who have previously taught in Communication and Media normally receive priority consideration as well. Doctoral students are limited to 10 terms of GSA/GSI/GSSA financial support from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (see The Ten Term Rule), excluding spring/summer terms.
In making hiring decisions, the Committee considers academic qualifications (prior college record and current academic record); competence to teach in particular courses; prior teaching performance (teaching evaluations and/or supervisor evaluations); applicants' and faculty members' stated teaching preferences; and levels of current and prior financial support.
Available positions will be posted on careers.umich.edu
LSA Class Size Policy
The department adheres to the LSA GSI Class Size Policy
Prior year's percentage of master's students who worked as a GSI/GSSA:
Fall 2023: 10%
Winter 2024: 11.7%