Program in Biophysics Lecturer Workload Standards
Under Article XXVIII of the UM|LEO Collective Bargaining Agreement made effective in Fall 2021, the Program in Biophysics is publishing Lecturer Workload Standards. In the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, the normal 100% teaching load for a Lecturer is six (6) courses per University Year, three (3) each during the fall and winter terms.This standard does not apply to Term III appointments. The Program in Biophysics follows the College’s workload standard. Beyond direct classroom instruction, Biophysics may require lecturers to perform additional related duties, such as holding office hours and/or attending faculty meetings. While important, these duties are not considered “significant ongoing administrative or service duties” as that phrase is used in the UM|LEO Agreement.
Biophysics does not have course credit equivalencies for Lecturers.
Published 12.22.2021