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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement

Biophysics is an inherently integrative and inclusive endeavor: We use concepts and methods from a diverse array of disciplines to come to a more complete understanding of the natural world around us.

As a department, we similarly value diversity, equity, and inclusion in its many forms in all aspects of our academic life, from the classroom to the research laboratory and beyond. We therefore strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for all our students, faculty and staff, where everyone is you are treated with respect and is are encouraged to contribute their your unique strengths and abilities to our shared mission, regardless of who you are.

We commit to acting on these principles unwaveringly to improve our field, the department, the university, and our communities for a better future.

DEI Committee

Chris Meiners | Faculty | Chair

Jordan Horowitz | Faculty

Nicolai Lehnert | Faculty

Eilidh McClain | Graduate Student

Biophysics CA

DEI Resources

NextProf Science

NextProf Science is a workshop aimed at future faculty—talented people who are currently advanced doctoral students and postdoctoral trainees. We aim to bring people with a demonstrated commitment to diversity to the University of Michigan campus to show them the benefits and rewards of an academic career, to make connections with U-M faculty and academic leaders, and to network with other participants. The workshop is sponsored by the science and mathematics departments in the U-M College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.

Run by: Qiong Yang & Chris Meiners.

Student Ambassadors